King's Business - 1937-12

December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Golden Text Illustration M ark ' 10:44

Two brothers, Ahmed and Omar, wished to do something to perpetuate their mem­ ory. Omar cut from the quarry a great obelisk, and lifted it up beside the high­ way, and carved his name upon it, with many other inscriptions. And there it stood for ages, a splendid monument, but of no use to the world. Ahmed digged a well beside the desert highway and planted palm trees beside it. And in the course of time the spot became a beautiful oasis where the weary traveler stopped to quench his thirst and to feed upon the fruit and to rest beneath the shade of the tall palms. And all who passed that way blessed the name of Ahmed the Good. The story illus­ trates two plans of life. One is to make for yourself a great name, as high as the obelisk of Omar, and as useless. The other is to make your life like an oasis where the weary may find rest and comfort and refreshment.— IfiOl Illustrations for Pul­ pit and Platform, by Webb.

T HIS great faith work in China founded by Mr. and Mrs. Anglin needs your prayers and support. In the midst of war and devastation little children of the Home cry for bread. Their sole reliance is in the mercy of the Father. Share with thousands the blessed privilege of feeding and cloth­ ing these little ones. May the Holy Spirit move you to offer your prayers and means before the Lord returns and it is too late. Thousands Saved Only eternity will reveal how many thousands have been saved by these messengers of the cross and their co­ laborers. How many thousands or more will be saved in the future de­ pends on you and other children of God to whom the lost and afflicted of China lift appealing hands. Write to­ day for free booklet “Helping China’s Helpless.” Coupon below is for your convenience. Use it for information whether yqu are able or not to give. **I was hungry and ye fed me.” Brother and Sister Anglin

Mark’s Book About Jesus M ark 10:35-45

Memory Verse: “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like­ wise” (Lk. 6:31). Approach: There are four books in the Bible which tell us about the Lord Jesus w'hen He lived here on our earth. Let us

open bur Bibles and find them. They are found here at the be­ ginning of the New Testament, and their names are Matthew, M ark , Luke, and John. These are the nam es of the four men who wrote the story of Jesus’ life on earth. They were Some of them had

From the Home of Onesiphorus, one of the largest Christian orphanages in the Orient, located in the war- torn area of North China, Mr. and Mrs. Anglin send wishes for a blessed Christmas to their many friend whom they soon hope to see on their first Home leave in 12 years. Ready to start to America they have been detained by the ter­ rible war. “We cannot desert our little ones in great danger,” writes Mr. Anglin. “Business is paralyzed. We must rely on the generosity of our faithful supporters.”

talked with Him many times and were His disciples. All of them believed that He was the Son of God who had come to earth to live as a Man without sin and to die in place of the sinning people who would believe that He had been sent from God to do this very thing for them. Be­ cause God wanted all people everywhere to know about His Son, God’s Spirit showed these four men what to say. followers of Jesus. Lesson Story: Each of these four writ­ ers tells the story of Jesus in just a little different way. It is just as if four people were telling about you to some one who had never seen you. One of them might tell about your curly hair. Another might say that you always had a smiling face. Another might remember that you went to school. And another might say that you liked to go to Sunday-school. That is just the way it was when Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John sat down to write about the Lord Jesus. With the Holy Spirit guiding them, they sometimes remembered different things to tell about Jesus. We are going to study the story as it is told by Mark. And one of the things that Mark remembered about the Lord jesus was that He was always thinking about

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ONESIPHORUS American Office 2811 North Racine Avenue Drawer 11______________ Chicago, III.

H O M E OF ONESIPHORU S AM ER IC AN OFFICE, 2811 N. Racine Ave., Drawer 11, Chicago, III. I give gladly as God has blessed me to help China’s helpless. Enclosed find $.................................. I pledge $................................... to be paid (date).............................................................................................. Please send me: □ “Helping China’s Helpless” Free book- □ Free illustrated price list of fancy work and let describing the work of the Home. handicraft made at the Home by the children. NAME........................................................................ .................. 1 . 1 ADDRESS

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