King's Business - 1937-12

SpecialTime-LimitedOffer To February 1, 1938

m : JAPAN—AND PROPHECY Is Japan one of ‘‘the kings of the east” ■ mentioned in Scripture? , .*< r What part will these kings have in the conflict of ■Armageddon? . . . . Are there “amazing and terrible developments” now taking place? ' , H. A- IRONSID& answers in th& Jantt- LOUIS / w. \ ''' tt&ls bis ^BB^eusletTMl^ l pp c «*|b* ; FACING OLD CATHAY, AND . . WAR! Fearlessly returning to China only a few months ago, the Treasurer of the Hunan Bible Institute wrote: "Heavens above us are black with war clouds. But never since the days of Robert Moirison have there been such opportunities for preach­ ing the gospel in China.” What does China need most? .¿'V: '^K\ wJ*e\ afil § p p ll y 1 i h ' ti^»>MPaiciIIIcs| Ud<^} . EXPECTATION—FOR 1938 What is it to be “positive, aggressive, and divinely ambitious” ? IliiilllllBllMIBj NORTHCOTE DECK, missionary « ta t» - y ^ ' ***&&» the '■gttb.Je^lfc in 4t\ prt** g||* * $ J& ' |p* pf, / PRAISE FOR PAIN Intimate letters from a dear saint of God who has had twenty years of suffering— with seven major operations—but who has learned to tread joyfully “this bright­ ening path of pain.” Other sufferers will ‘ rejoice in her

CLUB ORGANIZERS: Send us $7 for each Club-of-Ten annual subscrip­ tions to THE KING’S BUSINESS (regular price $1 .50 ). We will allow you 80 cents on each subscription. Add 25 cents each for Canadian and foreign subscriptions. $7 for US—$8 forYOU Single subscriptions through club or­ ganizers, or clubs o f less than ten, at EXACTLY HALF PRICE: only 75 cents each. Begin TODAY to form a club in YOUR COMMUNITY. J UST la st month, th e first announcement was made of the Club-of-Ten plan fo r 1938. A lready such le tte rs as th e follow ing one from a read er in McWhorter, Ky., are being received a t THE KING’S BUSINESS offices: “I w an t to work fo r THE K ING ’S BUSINESS in g ettin g a club of ten members, beginning Ja n u ary 1, 1938,” w rites Mrs. H. B. “I have m issed a g re a t deal by no t g ettin g th e magazine in 19371 A y ear ago, a friend of mine sen t in my subscription as a su rp rise fo r me, and I have each of th e twelve issues fo r th a t y ear and cherish them very highly. I have never been able to find another religious pap er th a t I like equally well, and now I must share th e blessing by g etting others tp subscribe.” A ll over the United S tates, club organizers are ta k in g ad ­ vantage of th e special club rates. Will you not join th eir number, and send in your club NOW? Why Everybody Wants “The King’s Business” I t appeals to the whole fam ily. F o r inspiration, relaxation, inform ation, and all-year-round enjoyment, young and old tu rn to THE KING’S BUSINESS—and are satisfied! I t is a boon to Sunday-school teachers. Each month, a t least one-fifth of the contents of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS is spe­ cially adaptable to th e needs of Sunday-school pupils and teachers. Besides a practical and sp iritual exposition of the In tern ation al Lesson fo r each week, th e magazine provides Golden T ex t illustrations, children’s lessons, illu strated object lessons, and lig h t on lesson questions fo r classes and teachers. Sunday-school superintendents order and recommend th e use of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS among th e ir teachers and officers. They know it is safe, serviceable, and inexpensive.

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