December, 1937
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
woman, who had been forgotten. Up went a ladder. It proved five feet too short. Quick as a flash a broad-shouldered fire man stepped beneath the window, straight ened up, and said, “Rest the ladder on my shoulders.” They did so. One held on, while another went up, smashed the win dow, and took the woman in his arms, and in a moment she was safe. The ladder was long enough to do the business when it was pieced out by the length of a man. So is the gospel when man becomes God’s method.— Sunday School Times. Memory Verse: “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient” (Ex. 24:7). Approach: After the Lord Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and the voice from heaven came saying that He was the Son of God, Je su s was ready to begin His work. His work was to make the peo ple understand that “God so lov ed the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that w h o so ev er be- lieveth in him should not perish, but have e v e r la s tin g life .” Jesus needed some helpers to go with Him to spread this good news about. Lesson Story: One day He was walking by the Sea of Galilee when He saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, fishing. They were casting their net into the sea for fish when Jesus stopped and spoke to them. “Come ye after me,” He said, “and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Perhaps Simon and Andrew had been among the people who had seen Him being baptized. We do not know, but we do know that Andrew had followed John the Baptist and had seen him point out Jesus and call Him the Lamb of God, and that Andrew had told his brother and had brought him to Jesus. And now when Jesus called them, they were ready to fol low. They didn’t say, “Just wait a minute; we’re busy now. When we’ve finished we’ll decide whether we want to follow You or not.” No, they didn’t stop for anything. They probably didn’t even know what Jesus meant when He told them that He would make them “fishers of men.” But they were ready to obey. Do you know what Jesus meant when He said He would make them “fishers of men” ? Do you know Jesus’ First Helpers M ark 1:14-28
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that He is calling us today to be “fishers of men” ? Are we ready to follow?
Object Lesson J im J ar ’ s S in and S aviour
Objects: A picture of Christ or a red cross, a quart fruit jar, in which is placed an imitation cigarette, an imitation playing card, a flask-shaped bottle filled with vine gar, an imitation theater ticket, and a black paper heart on which are written the words “Hatred,” “Lying,” “Stealing,” and “Unbelief.” Lesson: What’s the matter with this jar? “It has a lot of bad things in it.” You are right, Bill. This jar is so much like some people that we might call it Jim Jar. The greatest need that any boy or girl has is to know Christ and to have Him abiding within. Here is a pic ture of Christ. Can I just put it in the jar along with these other things? “Oh, no, it wouldn’t look right to have the picture of Christ in the jar as long as those other things are there.” You are right. We must get rid of these other things. This same truth is stated a little differently in Mark 1:15: “Repent ye, and believe the gospel.” These words, “re pent ye,” mean “change your minds” about sin, turning from sin and turning to Christ. But Jim Jar is not able to clean his own life to make room for Christ. Jim has to receive Christ as his Saviour and to allow Christ to cleanse out these evil things. Suppose just the bottle of vinegar, repre senting whiskey, and the imitation ciga rette are taken out, and the other things remain in the jar. The picture of Christ would still look out of place with a heart of hatred, lying, stealing, and unbelief, to say nothing of a show ticket and cards. When they are all taken out, it seems right for Christ’s picture to be inside the jar. People who have truly repented and have received Christ as their Saviour often find the problem of certain sins in their lives even as Christians. But that is not God’s best plan for them, for the Lord Jesus Christ is able to keep the Christian’s heart clean.
Brass Lined—Steel Blades—Transparent Handles. Text on one side and name, text, or greeting on the other side. (Size 3 lA in. long.) First knife $1.40; Addi
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Evangelize Russia! That is our aim! To witness for Christ throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. To proclaim the glorious Gospel to millions of Russians living in the Soviet border countries. Hundreds of eager young missionaries are waiting to be sent into the wide Russian fields . . . and Bibles and Christian literature are wanted on every side by Gospel-hungry multitudes. This is the oldest Evangelical mission work among Russians . . . and we are also carrying on the work among the people of sixteen additional countries. Our offices are located in all the leading nations of the world. We earnestly seek your support in our task of aiding these stricken brethren. RUSSIAN M ISSIO N AR Y SOCIETY, INC. MISS M. E, FETLER, General Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St. Chicago, III. Send for magazine “The Friend of Russians”
CORRECT music for your hymn-poems assures editorial consideration. Demand steadily increasing. MUSIC PRINTING. Criticism FREE. Send dime for sam ples. The 1937 “BOOK OF POEMS” sent postpaid for 80c. Raymond Iden, K. B., Composer, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
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Jesus took her by the hand and raised her up—and she was immediately and fully recovered (v. 31). In this act of healing was manifested the power of the living God operating through a Man, the Servant of Jehovah. The acknowledgment of the healing and its announcement were as immediate as was the healing itself. In the evening, a [Continued on page 490]
Golden Text: “And he healed many that were sick” (Mk. 1:34). Outline and Exposition I. T he P ower of J esus (29-34) E NTERING the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John, Jesus was told that the mother of Simon’s wife was sick with a fever (vs. 29,30).
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