King's Business - 1937-12


T H E K I N G BIOLA GOE Individuals and Chur

to publish, each of which is representa­ tive of a large company of Institute friends. It has been very difficult to se­ cure these pictures, for most Christians are retiring folk, and it has been only by our strong insistence upon the fact that such photographs as these, if pub­ lished, would prove a blessing and be a benefit to the Institute that we have been permitted to use them in this connection. The “Go Forward” Campaign We feel very much encouraged and very grateful to God. Beginning with a day of prayer on October 1, 1937, and continuing in full dependence upon God, the Biola “Go Forward” Campaign was launched—a campaign of thirty-three- months’ duration (to June 1, 1940), with the definite object in view of the strengthening of the Institute’s financial structure and the extension of its minis­ try. Not only has there been a wide­ spread response to the “Go Forward” Campaign, but adjustments in our debt, contingent upon even a moderate suc­ cess will enable us to reduce the sum first asked for by many hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, we feel today that one-half of the one and one- half million dollars originally asked for would go far toward putting the In­ stitute on an impregnable financial basis. Yes, the Biola “Go Forward” Campaign would be worth while even if only a par­ tial success. But let us not be content with an incomplete victory. For the Lord’s sake, let us ask for full deliver­ ance for the Institute. It should be remembered, too, that every dollar of indebtedness that we pay off is helping to liberate for us property whose value is far in excess of the amount of the incumbrance. If our buildings can be made debt-free, with the growth of this school from year to year we will be free. to “enlarge our

"G O FORWARD" Cash PLE TOTAL AM O U N T PLEDGED... NUMBER OF PLEDGES.......... AVERAGE PLEDGE ................ Prior to October 19................ $ 4,360.50 Sunday, October 10...... 14,646.90 October 18 .......................... 462.00 October 19 .......................... 979.50 October 20 .......................... 403.00 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is mentioned as beneficiary in wills and trusts amounting to nearly a half mil­ lion dollars, about half of which is defi­ nitely set apart in the form of irrevo­ cable trusts for the use of the Institute; yet we receive no income from such funds at present. Our problem therefore is largely one of maintenance. Churches and Individuals Support the “Go Forward” Campaign One feature of the “Go Forward” Cam- paign is the issuance of “blanket” certifi­ cates as part of our Financial Freedom Certificate issue sent to participants. These “blanket” certificates are really estimates, not pledges, and are to be made by the pastor of the church, the superintendent of the Sunday-school, or by some executive in various groups, such as the women’s missionary societies. A certain amount is agreed upon, not to be paid by the church, organization, or : subscribing officer, but to be subscribed to by individuals who compose the mem­ bership of the group and who are in sympathy with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and its program. At no time can the certificate become a liabil- ity to the church or organization. The First Congregational Church of Redondo Beach, Calif., pictured on this borders” and go on to greater things for God.

CONTR IBUTOR One of the most devoted friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is Mrs. Christens M. Walker, whose picture appears above. She is the donor of the largest amount which, to date, has been received in cash from any individual contributor to the Biola "G o Forward" Cam­ paign. The reason for her deep interest in the Lord's work will be evident to any one who studies this picture. Mrs. Walker has her Bible open to her favorite chapter, Romans 8, and her finger is pointing to the first verse: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." It is love for the Word of God, and desire that its saving mes­ sage shall be sent the world around, that leads such friends as Mrs. Walker to give gladly. A S IT obeys the Lord’s “Go Forward,” the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Lhas many t housand p r ay i ng friends scattered all over the world who give sacrificially to maintain the school. Though unknown to each other, they are bound by a common tie. We have often wished that we could meet each one of these supporters personally and make them known to our readers. This month we are fortunate in having two pictures

page, was the first church to make a subscription of this kind. A group of fifteen members of J the church made i nd ivi dual sub- scriptions covering the amount of the pledges which Pas- tor Owen Umstead sent to the Insti­ tute —a total of | $561.00, payable at the rate of $17.00 monthly. The Bi- ; ble Institute of Los Angeles feels deeply grateful to


The First Congregational Church of Redondo Beach, Calif., of which Rev. Owen Umstead has been the pastor for twenty fruitful years, is the first Christian organization in the United States to subscribe for a "blanket" certificate in the Biola "G o Forward" Campaign. In the picture, Mr. Umstead is directly behind the pulpit. Members of this church have sub­ scribed a total of $561 to the Institute's financial freedom campaign. They realize that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is supported by no denominational subsidies, and that for its maintenance the school must look to those who appreciate the service the Institute is rendering through its graduates in hundreds of churches, missions, and in literally thou­ sands of Sunday-schools throughout the world.

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