King's Business - 1937-12

B U S I N E S S FORWARD es Respond Heartily jGES as of October 31 , 1937 ....................... $23,350.00 1................................... 350 $66.70 S October 21 ......................... $351.00 t October 25 .......................... 258.00 October 28 .......................... 1,737.00 | October 29 .......................... 152.10 f Total ............................,$23,350.00 from T he K ing ’ s B usiness are also in­ cluded in this collection. Facing World Needs We offer these instances to our thou­


year, we are faced with taxes and other expenses which must be met, and we are praying that God’s stewards will not forget Biola at this important period. May I add a personal word? How I wish we could impress upon our many friends that this work is larger than the individual! Individuals come and go; students enroll, finish their courses, and go forth for service in many lands. Biola stands, a lighthouse in a day when such lighthouses are sorely need­ ed. It is your work we are doing, for by your gifts and prayers you have a share in it all. Every missionary who

g o e s to the home or for­ eign field and whose train­ ing has been made possible by your gifts, is your repre­ sentative. In the sheaves he gamers y o u have a share. And e v e r y s o u l w o n through h i s efforts brings nearer the day w h e n t h e trumpet shall sound, and the Lord shall des­ cend! What a glorious hope! I am sure you will want to have a share in the prepa­ ration for that great day of His coming. The Lord’s will for all of His own to- command to “Go

sands of read­ ers as an in­ spiration and as exampl es of t he devo­ tion which has made possible the con ti nu­ ance of t his educat ional- m i s s ionary w o r k during o n e o f t h e darkest periods of America’s economic life. We are hop­ ing that they may result in a large num­ ber of enroll­ ments in our “Go Forward” Campaign dur­ ing the clos­ ing month of 1937. It means much to us to feel that our f r i e n d s are

Praying and Giving ". . . . and I, too, am praying for a revival; also for God's blessing on the -'Go Forward' Campaign. I belong to the Biola Prayer Circle and receive great blessing when my hour for intercession for the Institute comes—Saturday morning from six o'clock to seven. Not only then, but every day is Biola on my prayer list."—Mrs. E. W., Los Angeles, Calif. # "Enclosed find a cashier's check for the Biola 'Go Forward' fund. We thought to give $1.00 per month, but decided that we would pay the total amount at one time, and then if anything happens to us it will be paid. "We are old missionaries, ¡ust back recently from China. We have been much interested in the Institute since BEFORE it entered the Institute building, and we pray often for the school."—Mr. and Mrs. J. V. D., Long Beach, Calif. • "I am truly glad for the Bible Intsitute of Los Angeles, and that you are doing a wonderful work for the Master, and I hope that the money you are expecting by 1940 will all be received in due time. God bless all your labors and all your helpers in His name."—Mrs. S .^ i, W., Brook, Ind. "I'm heartily In accord with the campaign, and know it will succeed if we pray enough and look to God ONLY for the consummation. I am a member of the Biola Honor Roll and am also a graduate of the Institute."—M. F. C., Los Angeles, Calif. • "I am praying that God will bless the 'Go Forward' Cam­ paign at Biola, and would be glad to obtain 3literature in regard to it. I am praying for God's protection over the Institute at Changsha, and I BELIEVE He will hear and answer the prayers of His many children who are interceding for it."— Mrs. L. B., Garland, Maine. "Dr. — first enlisted my interest in Biola, and it has grown as I have become more familiar with the Institute's splendid work. I certainly desire a part in the 'Go Forward' Campaign, and wish that I might do much more than I am doing. In these days it is a very special privilege to be working for the Lord and to have a part in His program."—A. D., Clarkston, Wash.

this pastor and to his church for this evidence of cooperation. In sending the pledge to Biola, Mr. Umstead wrote of blessing in the life of the church: “This church is beginning to reap the fruits of consistently holding before the young people the claims of God to have first consideration. The church urges its young people to go to Bible Institute before going to college, and most of them do. “The church has been much blessed in inspiring and encouraging its young people to answer the call to full-time service. Miss Irene Hunter,- an efficient Eteri Chib (Bible club) teacher, received her inspiration in this church, as did I Mrs. Orie C. Landrum, a missionary I to the mountain whites in Kentucky. [ Rev. Norman Crider, who was pastor of [ a Congregational Church in Panama, | Calif., is now a field worker for the In­ ternational F isherm en ’s Club. Rev. Charles Thomas, pastor of the Washou- gal Congregational Church in Washing­ ton, is doing a splendid work. Miss Mar­ gery Ruth Walker is serving as Secre­ tary to a church in Oakland and is work­ ing with the children there. “These are all graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and have been affiliated with this church. “There are four others preparing for the ministry or all-time Christian serv- ice.” One Individual’s Sacrificial Giving Mrs. Christena Walker has been a u friend of the Bible Institute of Los An- f geles ever since her arrival in Los An- j geles a number of years ago. When the needs of the Institute were presented to her, she purchased a Biola “Go Forward” Certificate, paying the full sum in cash. One of the interesting features of Mrs. Walker’s home is a scrapbook por­ traying the life of the Institute since 1926. Pictures of Dr. Torrey, Mr. Hor­ ton, Dr. Talbot, Dr. Philpott, and of today’s President of the Institute have been preserved carefully, with accounts of oustanding meetings in which these Institute leaders have participated. Group pictures of students and clippings i!

r a l l y i n g around us and pledging on a definite basis which insures the future of the Institute. If on each day during the thirty-three- months’ campaign, twenty-six individual pledges of $1.00 monthly for thirty- three months were received, we would be practically assured of reaching our goal. At the same time, single dona­ tions of larger sums are very much needed. As we approach the close of the

day is ever the urgent forward” (Ex. 14:15).

Faithfully yours,


THE BIOLA “GO FORWARD” CAMPAIGN As my participation in Biota's "Go Forward" Campaign, In consideration of the subscription of others, it is my privilege in dependence upon God to endeavor for a period of (years) (months) to pay to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., the sum of:

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