King's Business - 1937-12


“The King’s Business” YOURBUSINESS

Paul W. Rood Editorials

Louis S. Bauman Prophetic Articles

out an evangelical publication. More th an 12,000 copies are given aw ay each month, no t only by th e publishers, and by th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles (fo r which it is th e official o rg an ), b u t also by a veritable arm y of earn est Christians who use th is magazine as a convenient and inexpensive w ay fo r plac­ ing twelve monthly gospel messages in th e hands and h e a rts of those whom they desire to reach w ith a sp iritu al message. N early 30,000 Christians from tim e to tim e have availed themselves of the a t­ tractiv e club offers of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. Under th is convenient plan, you can enroll a group of friends fo r half the usual subscription price (or less, in groups of te n ); or, should you so de­ sire, you may by m erely showing the magazine in your immediate circle, and by collecting th e reg u la r annual sub­ scription price of $1.50, earn a sub stan ­ tia l sum fo r the Christm as holidays. Study th e simple subscription offer on the opposite page. Send fo r samples and o ther supplies. Or, b e tte r still, mail us a lis t of th e friends to whom you would like to have us send sample copies. Of course, if you desire subscriptions fo r

I t will come in tim e to be useful, fo r Sunday-school lesson m aterials, as well as Christian Endeavor Notes and Devo­ tional Readings, are provided one month in advance of th e magazine date. Why not form a club in your church, Sunday-school, o r adult Bible class, and thus promote th e diligent and p leasu r­ able study of th e G reatest Book? Children enjoy it. Two pages, “The Ju n io r K ing’s Business,” are exclusive­ ly fo r children. Stories, Bible drills, memory work, and th e Know Your Bible Club are popular re g u la r fea tu re s of this departm ent. Throughout THE KING’S BUSINESS, the stagg ering need fo r Child Evangel­ ism in America is emphasized. Probably no other monthly magazine in America devotes as much atten tion to God-honored methods fo r w inning boys and g irls to th e Saviour, as does THE KING’S BUSINESS. Would you win children fo r C h rist? TH E KING’S BUSINESS will help you! P asto rs, m issionaries, and personal workers say they cannot do w ithout it. THE KING’S BUSINESS is an in te rn a­ tional publication, mailed monthly to all the g re a t mission fields of the world. Its messages are tran slate d into many lan­ guages and are passed eagerly from group to w aiting group. I t is like a le t­ te r from home to w eary m issionaries. Moreover, for any Christian, THE K ING ’S BUSINESS is an effective aid in sp iritu al w arfare. E very issue is a gospel issue. On almost every page, th ere .is a word to th e unsaved, the care­ less, arid the indifferent—all attractively and p rayerfu lly presented. Club Offers Popular THE KING’S BUSINESS h a s never been sold fo r profit. I t is priced solely to serve—w ith a view p articu larly to reach­ in g those who otherw ise would be w ith-


Martha S. Hooker Junior Pages

B. B. Sutcliffe Lesson Exposition

Mary 6 . Goodner C. E. Notes

Alva J. McClain Points for Teachers

your friends to be­ gin w ith th e Ja n u ­ ary , 1938, issue, you m u st send in the o rder AT ONCE. C o o p e r a t io n o f Every Reader Desired I f you know and love THE K ING ’S B U S IN E S S , w ill you no t recommend it to o th ers? Make THE KING’S BUS­ INESS yòur busi­ ness fo r the n ex t few months.

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Ransom D. Marvin Artist

Gretchen Sibley Blackboard Lessons

Alan S. Pearce Illustrations



Helen Galley Children's Lessons

Myrtle E. Scott Girls' Problems

Elmer L. Wilder Object Lessons

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