King's Business - 1937-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1937

NO TE S on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

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JANUARY 2, 1938 PROBLEMS IN DAILY LIVING L uke 9:57-62 Meditation on the Lesson When Jesus had closed His Galilean ministry that He might go to Jerusalem, there to be crucified for the sins of the world, He passed through Samaria. Be­ cause of the intense hostility which existed between the Jews and the Samaritans, and because of the fact that Jesus had “stead­ fastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,” the Samaritans would not receive Him. James and John impetuously desired to call down fire from heaven to consume the Samari­ tans. Their Master taught them a great lesson in forbearance when He checked their unwise zeal by saying, “The Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” The heavenly forbearance of Jesus Christ is needed in our hearts if we are to meet triumphantly the problems of daily living. In the next village of His itinerary, Jesus Christ enunciated another essential of victorious living, that of true disciple- ship. He reveals the true meaning of fol­ lowing Him by the answers which He gives to three men who desire to follow Him but who each have an obstacle to immediate fellowship with Him. The stumbling-block of the first who comes is the self-confidence apparent in the pre­ sumptuous statement, “Lord, I will follow thee withersoever thou goest.” For him the Lord advised self-examination which must necessarily result in self-mortification if he would follow the Son of man who had not “where to lay his head.” The self life and earthly comfort cannot figure in the life of one who would actually follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Further hindrances to discipleship are those of procrastination and conformity to custom. The second man, one whom the Lord summoned to follow Him, asked that he might be released for a season first to bury his father. Does not this incident find a close parallel in our lives today? There was nothing objectionable about the desire to express filial piety by the burial of his father. But, judging by Oriental custom and phraseology, it is probable that the man was seeking to postpone his obe­ dience to Christ until after the death and burial of a frail, aged father. Many of the deeds which confront us for choice today are not wrong in and of themselves. What, then, does Jesus mean to teach through His firm reply to this man? The answer is found by referring to His own matchless words in Matthew 6:23: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Where is our first allegiance in everyday activity? That is the question. The third would-be disciple desired

first to go to bid farewell to those who were at home. The Lord’s answer to that objection is heart-searching: ‘‘No man, having put his hand to the plow, and look­ ing back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Would this follower have been detained at home with his loved ones? Home ties may need to be broken if one would make the Lord Jesus the Master and Ruler of his life. If our love for Jesus Christ is greater than any other love and if we make Him King and Lord, He Himself will solve all our problems, for He said: “My grace is sufficient for thee,” and His word faileth not. Jesus had no earthly possessions. At His birth He borrowed a manger from the beasts of the field; He preached a sermon in a borrowed boat; He rode into Jerusa­ lem on a borrowed beast; He ate His last supper with His disciples in a borrowed room, and He was buried in a borrowed grave. Yet He stands, the living, risen Son of God, stripped of all earthly posses­ sions, saying: “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. . . Follow me.”— W eeks . II. His W ork When Temple Hall, London, was built, the Masters of the Bench ordered a hand­ some clock to be placed there, with an appropriate motto on the face of it. For many days the skillful mechanic waited for the motto, until, becoming impatient, he made his way to the Benchers’ Chambers, and pressed them for the needed words. One of the Masters, becoming angry, rose up and said to the mechanic: “Go about your business.” The latter, thinking this was the order, placed the words on the face of the clock, and there they were allowed to remain. If Christian workers would have for their motto, “Go about your Father’s business,” what mighty won­ ders would be accomplished! —Sunday School Times. JANUARY 9, 1938 WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN DAILY LIVING? I saiah 55:6-9 Meditation on the Lesson To the question, “What is most impor­ tant in daily living?” the answers of many would be interesting, though sadly lacking in proper discernment. “Money is most important,” would say many a business man; “health,” the physical culturist; “knowledge,” the professor; “fame,” the ambitious; “pleasure,” the socialite, and so on through the apparent satisfactions of life. However, none of these things could Helps for the Leader I. W ill W e F ollow ?

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