King's Business - 1937-12

December, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Holy Spirit could reveal this marvelous knowledge to those about him. As a voice for God, he declared the “unsearchable riches of Christ.” He sensed the unexplora- ble wealth which lies in the fact of our Lord’s coming to this earth to die as a willing substitute for our sins, making us the heirs of all the wealth of heaven and of an eternity of fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This was his one uncompro­ mising, joyful message, for the proclaim­ ing of which he gave his life with all of its gifts and powers. Paul speaks of the “fellowship” in the church, which is that union in Christ which binds Christians closer than any human tie can bind. The Lord Jesus prayed, just before He went to the cross, that all believers might be one, even as He and the Father were one. Let us ask ourselves searchingly: “Am I fully enter­ ing into that unity, or am I hindering it?” Spirit-filled believers are bound in a power' of fellowship which reveals the manifold wisdom of God, the purpose for which the church exists. Yes, we need the church, for it shall never fail. Although individual members have brought dishonor upon the body of Christ, still it functions as a channel of the power of God, and “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). May we be more faithful to the blood- bought, honored church of our Lord Jesus Christ! “The church’s one Foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is His new creation, By water and the Word: From heaven He came and sought her, To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died.” Helps for the Leader I. W here D oes the F ault L ie ? Do you ask, “Why not do away with the church, if its members make so many mistakes?” Would you take away the light­ house because careless mariners, through wrong observations, run their ships high and dry upon the shore? Would you put out the lamp in, your house because moths and millers burn their wings in it? —H enry W ard B eecher . II. I t S hall S tand An insane man once entered a crowded church, and grasping two pillars of the gallery cried, “I will pull these down and destroy you as Samson did the Philistine lords!” A panic was imminent, when the minister, quietly waving his hand, said, “Let him try.” He did try, and that was the end of the panic. Infidelity lays hold of the pillars of our temple—the Bible, the deity of Christ, and the like. Skeptics say, ‘W e will pull them down.” Let them try I Many have tried, but our temple stands. It was built by the Almighty, and from its sure corner stone to its highest pinnacle it remains secure for time and eternity .—Sunday School Times. III. W hich I s M ore I mportant ? Let us compare church-going and store-

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