King's Business - 1937-12

December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


rearward, O God. Fill up that which my life has left behind; undo that which my life has done amiss. Repair the places I have wasted, bind the hearts I have wounded, dry the eyes I have flooded. Make the evil I have done to work for good, so that I myself would not know it. Overrule the acts I did in malice; weave them into Thy divine mosaic, that my very wrath may be made to praise Thee. ■—G eorge M atheson .

JANUARY 8 Banishing Barrenness

"He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain” (Hos. 6:3). Beloved, you should be looking out for the next rain. You have had one, and shall have another; God will give you a shower of blessing—today ,it may be. You are very barren; well, it is to the barren and to the dry that God delights to give His mercy. Since He gives the riches of His love to those who need it most, then, my heart, put up thy claim, for none need it more than thou dost. If thou canst but look right out of thyself to thy God and trust in Him, then be assured thy God who visited thee aforetime will deal gra­ ciously with thee yet again, and turn thy barrenness into verdure, and all thy drought into plenty. —C harles H addon S purgeon . “1 beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bod­ ies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1). When Charles I was on the eve of exe­ cution, there was presented to Oliver Cromwell a blank sheet of foolscap paper signed at the bottom, “Prince Charles.” He was informed that the prince was willing to submit to any terms short of death, if only Cromwell would consent to commute the sentence of his father, the king. Cromwell refused. But there is a lesson for us. We have the blank page of our lives to present. God will give us everything for our spiritual good if we hand over, signed with our submitted wills, the whole of our consecrated potentialities. —A ndrew B orland . The love of God for lost men passes all our power of conception. Jesus says that the Father loves Him because He lays down His life for us; and in giving thanks for the bread and the cup at the Last Supper, He thanks the Father for giving His body to be broken and His blood to be shed on our behalf. The Father does not merely receive and welcome, but He blesses every man that sets his trust upon Jesus Christ. God is reconciled to the man, is pleased with him, delights in and loves the man that rests upon Jesus Christ.— M oody S tuart . JANUARY 10 Blessed in T rusting "The Father himself loveth you, because ye . . . have believed that I came out of God” (John 16:27). • “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us” (Psa. 103:12). O Love unspeakable and full of glory, whose majesty is not to destroy but to save, save me from myself. My past relent­ lessly pursues me. Days that I thought dead live over again; deeds that I deemed buried meet me on the way; be Thou my JANUARY 9 Wholly Submitted JANUARY 11 His Overruling Grace

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JANUARY 12 A Morning Without Clouds

“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light; and they shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev. 22:5).

God's Great Soul Winners By Basil Miller

I n t e r e s t i n g highlights from the lives of twelve famous Christian work- e r s — s u c h * m e n a s M o o d y , Whitefield, Smith, Finney, Cart­ wright, etc. The deeds of these great men of God "bring a warm glow to the heart. Today, when Christ- tians everywhere hun­ ger for a widespread, revival, this book will find ready ac­ ceptance and eager reading. Strongly bound in cloth d*1 AA Brings Palestine in all of its historic beauty and richness to your elbow. The author, a native of Palestine and a Christian, knows his subject and w r i t e s clearly. Out #of the fullness of h i s t o r y and the treasury of divine promise the Holy Land speaks to the present in vital, triumphant t o n e s . Beautifully illustrat­ ed by 36 p h o t o ­ graphic reproduc­ tions. S t r o n g l y cloth Brimming with experi­ ences, aspirations, a n d the testimonies of Chris­ tians, this book is a definite aid to personal prayer and devotional life. A refreshing and invigorating tonic for the spiritual drain of modern life. Leaders w i l l f i n d h e r e . a wealth of helpful ma­ terial. Pastors will welcome this book because of the stim­ ulating thoughts and ideas. S t r o n g l y bound in cloth with

’Tis morning in heaven, And wondrously bright, ’Twill never know noontide, Nor evening, nor night; The canker of ages, The rushing of time, Can ne’er touch that country, Nor vary its clime. How soon in His presence We, too, shall appear. Our hopes consummated, And mysteries clear ; The joy will grow fuller Through all the glad years, For one look on Jesus Will banish all tears.

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Palestine Speaks By Anis Charles Haddad

—T homas R ead .

JANUARY 13 He Shall Be Satisfied “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied” (Isa. 53:11). Is there not, or should there not be, a longing in our hearts, supreme above other longings, a longing that Jesus should be glorified, and see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied, that His long day of waiting should come to an end, and that He should take His great power and reign? Do we not long that the very consciousness of impotence which is so manifest may herald the coming of the King; for heaven will always open to glorify Jesus. That is the only purpose for which heaven will open—F. S. W ebster . We are in danger of being so busy in the Lord’s work that we cannot be enough with the Lord in love’s fellowship. He may say to us, “I like your works, your toils, your service, but I miss the love you gave Me at first.” There is real danger that we get so busy in striving to be active Chris­ tians, so absorbed in our tasks and duties, our efforts to bring others into the church, that Christ Himself shall be less loved and shall miss our communing with Him. Loy­ alty means first of all heart devotion. Has Christ really the highest place in your heart? It is not your work He wants most— it is you.— J. R. M iller . JANUARY 14 T ru e Love “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love” (Rev. 2:4).

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