King's Business - 1937-12


December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

There are two kinds of life in this uni­ verse. There is original life, life unde­ rived, and there is imparted life. We live not in a life originated in ourselves, but in a life imparted to us of God. That life has to be continued and supported from moment to moment . . . as long as we live. And God is the only One in whom life is possessed. The Psalmist says, “For with thee is the fountain of life” . . . No wonder that this real life, this original life, is the longing of all mortality, of all imperfect humanity. The Psalmist says, “My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.”— J ohn H. S trong . JANUARY 29 Upright and Well-Watered “They are upright as the palm tree” (Jer. 10:5). The palm tree is never happy unless its head is in a blazing fire, and its feet in water. There is the secret. . . . The blaz­ ing fiery heat of the sun does not scorch or wither the palm tree, because it has moisture at its roots. “Be filled with the Spirit.” The daily filling of the Holy ,Spirit, and the regular filling of the dew of His grace through Bible study and prayer, will provide and convey the requi­ site moisture. Thus shall we be as palm trees in our desert places. “For still the desert lies My thirsting soul before; JANUARY 30- Full Surrender “Whether we live therefore, or die, v>e are the Lord’s” (Rom. 14:8). O my Lord and Master, it may be that I have known Thee as my Saviour, my Res­ cuer from perils, my Consoler in grief; but now, O Lord, I have learned that Thou hast altogether purchased me, at the cost of Thine own life. I see that it means for me the full and continuous surrender to Thee of all I am, all I have, and all I do. I yield myself to Thee; teach me to realize the meaning of “full surrender,” the secret of nearness and fellowship with Thee.— H andley C. G. M oule . “But ye are an elect race, a royal priest­ hood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Pet. 2:9, R. V.). We are a royal priesthood; we have access to God, because we can claim kin­ ship with Christ. No one has any right to challenge you as you enter into His presence. . . . “Ye are . . . a royal priest­ hood” on the basis of relationship, on the terms of equality, which could not be but by reason of the wondrous grace of God. And so we offer Him spiritual sacrifices; and ever receive from Him, so that the church is not only an elect race, the kin of Christ, but a royal priesthood, the instru­ ment of Christ for this world. —G. C ampbell M organ . O Living Waters, rise Within me evermore.” —R obert L ee . JANUARY 31 His Reflectors


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Los Angeles

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