King's Business - 1937-12


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1937

LESSON COMMENTARY [ Continued, from page 491]

Troublous Times Ahead, __ "^“Distress of nations, with perplexity,” and “Men’s hearts failing them for fear,” become increasingly characteristic of the present century. Investors find it difficult to meet rapidly changing conditions and. are confused. The future is clouded by inflation, labor dis­ putes and wars abroad, all of which threaten loss in some types of investments. How will your investments weather such conditions! A statistical study of investment experi­ ence during the past thirty-five years is available to investors upon request. This comparative study shows clearly the advan­ tages of Fire Insurance Stocks during the troublous times of the present century. Send for your copy today. We maintain a complete analytical and research department, and will gladly furnish the latest information on your present in­ vestments. Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson Roland Yoder, Resident Manager 383 E. Green Street Pasadena, Calif. Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson, Roland Yoder, Resident Manager, Please send me without obligation on my part a copy of your circular, “A History of Fire Insurance Stocks/* Name............. ....................................................... Address............................................................... 383 E. Green Street, Pasadena, California.

E V E R Y T H IN G for the CHURCH

to set them free. It was prophesied of Him: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken­ hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” (Isa. 61:1). Next week we shall see how the hearts get free. JANUARY 30, 1938 MINISTERING TO SPIRITUAL NEEDS M ark 2:1-12 Golden Text: “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” (Mk. 2:5). Outline and Exposition 8 R ewarding F aith (1-5) W HEN the Lord Jesus is in any home, the neighbors will know that He is there! When Christ “again . . . entered into Capernaum” (v. 1), many gathered “in the house” where He was found. The company filled all the house, and large numbers waited outside. Then “he preached the word unto them”— He Himself is the Wo»d, both living and written (v. 2). While He spoke, a group approached carrying a sick friend (vs. 3,4). But they could not get the sick person into the house because of the crowd. Undaunted, they ascended to the roof which was soon broken through, and the pallet of the sick man was let down into the room where Jesus was. These friends were interested primarily in getting the needy one to Jesus, and they looked upon this requiment as being of greater importance than an orderly meeting. This was evidently the Lord’s view, too, for He ceased speaking at once and turned to meet this emergency. And “when Jesus saw their faith” (whether the faith of the sick man is included in this expression there is no way of telling), He quickly gave spiritual relief, saying to the sufferer: “Thy sins be forgiven thee” (v. 5). In the case of these men, their work had revealed their faith, which is the only way in which faith can be revealed (cf. Jas. 2:17-20). II. R ebuking U nbelief (6-9) As soon as Jesus said, “Thy sins be for­ given,” the scribes who were sitting there began to reason in their hearts concerning this utterance (v. 6). They knew that only God could forgive sins; hence they rea­ soned that Jesus had blasphemed, assum­ ing to be God (v. 7). But He did not merely assume to be; He was God, stand­ ing in their midst. The effect of the Word they had just heard preached was nil as far as they were concerned; not being mixed with faith in their hearts, the Word preached did not profit them (cf. Heb. 3:17 to 4:2). Had they been willing to ac­ cept the truth, they would have had also faith in the preached Word (cf. John 7:17).

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