King's Business - 1937-12

December, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

tíme immemorial. Even a pretended heal­ ing of the body today will often draw thousands of spectators, but let a ruined sinner find forgiveness and the new birth, and the world displays little or no interest and wonder. Yet the healing of the body is a simple matter in comparison to the forgiveness of the sinner. The night was dark, the road a lonely one. A man named Kline, lying in wait for (me whom he believed to be his enemy, and whom he had decided to kill, was startled to hear the voices of several chil­ dren raised in singing. They were return­ ing home after having practiced some hymns at their Sunday-school. And what were they singing? The guilty conscience heard, “Jesus died for Auld Man Kline, and Jesus died for me.” Terror-stricken, he fled to his home. Next time there was a gospel meeting held, he was present, and before long was able to sing with the chil­ dren, “Jesus died for all mankind, and Jesus died for me.”— Sunday School Times. When the House Was Crowded M ark 2:1-12 Memory Verse: “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive” (Psa. 86:5). Approach: We talked last week about how the followers of the Lord Jesus were watching Him carefully to find out how He would make them “fishers of men.” How th e peop le c row d ed a b o u t to watch Him heal the sick! They liked to see m ira cle s. Here would be a man with a broken leg. Jesus would take him by th e h and , an d th e man would rise up and walk and be per­ fectly well. No won­ der crowds followed to see such things happen! Lesson Story: One day, Jesus was visit­ ing in a home, and when people knew about it, crowds hurried to the house. Many sick people were brought, and many others came to see Jesus heal the sick. Some friends had a sick man whom they wanted Jesus to heal. They brought him on his mattress bed, but the doorway was so crowded with people that they couldn’t push their way. But they were determined to get their friend to Jesus. They climbed the outside stairway to the flat roof and lifted up the loose tiles and took ropes and let the man down from the ceiling. Jesus saw what they were doing and He knew what great faith they had; so, although He was going to heal the man a little later, He didn’t say at first, as He often did, “Arise, take up thy bed, and walk.” He said first the thing that He had really come to do for all those that should believe. It was the message that His disciples were to go out and tell others; it was the thing that was to make them “fishers of men.” This is what He said: “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” Golden Text Illustration M ark 2:5




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Object Lesson H earts C leansed

Objects: Two red envelopes, four col­ ored hearts, a narrow black ribbon, a nar­ row white ribbon, a white cross cut from construction tape, and a pair of scissors. (The red envelopes can be made by unseal­ ing a correspondence envelope and using it for a pattern. Make only the flap and the adjacent side of one envelope. Insert this flap and back in the whole envelope. This will make a partition in the envelope. Hide two of the colored hearts behind the partition. Make a slit in the middle of the envelope, running the white ribbon di­ rectly through the sides and the partition and through the two hearts. Then paste the two flaps together. This gives the envelope the appearance of being empty except for the white ribbon.) Lesson: I told you last week that those who went with bad company sooner or later got caught with sin. This week we are to see how hearts can be freed from siri. Here are thé two hearts from last week with the ribbon of sin running through them. We will wrap this ribbon around the hearts. Sin not only catches, but it binds as well. There is just one way to be free from sin. That is by accepting Christ as your very own Saviour. This red envelope re­ minds us of Christ. Notice, it has the white ribbon of purity running through it. Christ was the sinless Son of God. I will place these hearts, bound with sin, in this red envelope that reminds us of the blood of Christ. We will seal the envelope with this white cross. We must never forget that Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for our sins. We will cut the envelope open and see what happens. (Blow the envelope open, and take the hearts from behind the parti­ tion.) Look! Christ takes away sin and gives His purity. We are told in Mark 2:5 that He said to a man who had been brought to Him: “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” He will say the same thing today to those who trust Him, believing that His blood can cleanse and free from sin.

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RINGS AND BELLS [Continued from page 475]

be redeemed. If you have been burdened with uncertainties, you may rest your heart in the certainty of God’s love ex­ pressed by the Messiah’s having died in your place, Mr. Aaronson.” “Come into the store some time,” said the man eagerly. “I have always won­ dered about the Lamb! But I must hurry to my Rosie now. Thank you, Wes! We’ll

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