King's Business - 1937-12


December, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

in the marginal notations and references. Beauti­ fully bound in genuine leather, with overlapping edges, the volume is one of exceptional beauty. 5 1 1/16" x 854#/ x 2J^#/. John A. Hertel Co., Chicago, 111. Price ¿8.85. Christmas Edited by R. E. HAUGAN Outstanding as an American annual of Christmas literature and art, this volume sustains the high quality of previous productions. Photographs, litho­ graphs, and coloring alone would be sufficient to establish the excellency of[this gift book. With the choice compilation of articles, stories, poetry, and pageants expressing in most varied and beautiful language the eternal message of Christmas, this gallery of word pictures cannot fail to inspire the reader. The' true gsignificance of the birth of the Lord Jesus is lucidly revealed in the contributions of spiritual writers. 72 pages, I'0j4"xl3$4". Augs­ burg Pub. House. Art paper, in gift box, ¿1.00. Daily Light on the Daily P ath For many years a classic devotional book, Daily Light appears in another attractive edition. The beauty of the volume lies in the fact that only Scripture is used, each portion serving as a com­ mentary and interpreter of other passages in the day’s reading. 370 pages. Harper ana Brothers. Cloth. Price ¿ 1.00. Revival in Romance and Realism By MRS. HENRY M. WOODS Written by one who has a real vision of what can be accomplished through fervent, united prayer, this volume is an autobiographical account of how the Lord led in the founding of the World-Wide Revival Prayer Movement. Members of this prayer fellowship' now circle the gjobe, having as their one objective a genuine spiritual revival through­ out the world. 228 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co. Cloth. Price ¿1.50. International Sunday-School Lesson Helps fo r 1938 Peloubet’s Select Notes —By Wilbur M. Smith. Known for sixty-four years as an authoritative Sunday-school lesson commentary, this annual pub­ lication again |excels in quality and quantity of Bible information. Each lesson is illuminated by concise statements of its objective and setting; sug­ gestive outlines; comprehensive bibliography; verse- by-verse interpretation; § lesson truth application; quotation and pictorial illustrations, and discussion questions. Numerous maps and charts are also pro­ vided. 398 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., 131 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price ¿2.00. The Gist of the Lesson— -By R. A. Torrey. In this compact volume, the discussion of each lesson includes the time, place, and historical setting of the text, a complete outline of the content, and many rich spiritual applications. The convenience of the vest-pocket size booklet accounts for its wide use among Bible teachers. 160 pages. Revell Co. Fabrikoid. Price 35 cents. Arnold*s Practical Commentary —Edited by B. L. Olmstead. Each Sunday’s lesson in this usable volume includes not only expository and analytical text helps, but also concrete suggestions for teach­ ing the lesson in every department of the Sunday- school. Among the valuable features are “Practical Applications,” “Illustrations and Sidelights,” and a “Blackboard Talk,” with which each lesson is equipped. 234 pages. Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Ind. Cloth. Price ¿1.00.

To Godfrey (’2+) and Mrs. Lindholm, a son, -Harold Godfrey, Oct. 14, Minneapo­ lis, Minn. Married Kenneth Chrisman and Edith Carlson, ’35, Oct. 31, Glendale, Calif. Jack Murray, ’33, and Eleanor M. Ste­ phens, Sept. 16, Wheaton, 111. THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS [Continued from page 471] for did He not stoop to the lowest depths of ignominy on our behalf? For our sal­ vation He was willing to endure hatred, contempt, and all that was despicable. For Christ’s followers, Christmas means the willingness to go outside the camp, bear­ ing His reproach. As they hold aloof from the useless frivolities of this season, they know what it is to be treated with contempt. The truer a Christian is to the Nazarene, the once-despised Jesus, the more intense the ill will, hatred, and rejection of worldly minded friends. Nazareth, however, has lost its stain of sin through Christ’s con­ tact with the place. It is a type, surely, of grace, seeing that He i s .the new cruse of salt sweetening every bitter spring in life. “Nazareth, O Nazareth! Tho’ a name of evil holding, There was brought ‘The Undefiled.’ Like a dove, a serpent folding There grew up ‘The Holy Child.’ Nazareth! Cross-like we see Thy stained name, from all stains free.” OUR LITERATURE TABLE (Books available at the Biola Book Room, 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.) The Annotated New Testament By FERNAND FAIVRE This edition of the New Testament is the trans­ lation of a popular annotated work by a French pastor who nas had a widespread ministry among the Roman Catholics of southwestern France. Thoroughly familiar with the tenets of that faith, he explains the way of truth to those under Roman bondage, as well' as ably exposes many of the pernicious modernistic interpretations of the Scrip­ tures. The text is interspersed with 540 notes printed in italics, and 391 footnotes. 478 pages. Alice Fontannaz, 506 Oakdale Ave., Chicago, 111. Paper. Price 45 cents. B is T ru th Endureth By JAMES C. MUIR Designed to be “a( survey of the beginnings and of Ola Testament history in the light of archeo­ logical discoveries^” this volume amply fulfills the purpose of the writer. Scientific and historic records are here combined to establish the absolute iner­ rancy' of the Word of God. The book is really a historical commentary on the Old Testament, and the path of God’S' people can be traced with en­ lightened delineation through these pages. 304 pages. National Pub. Co. Cloth. Price ¿2.50. The New Standard Reference Indexed Bible Having received the 1936 Texas Centennial Ex­ position Blue Ribbon Award for its superiority as a ' reference Bible, this comprehensive edition con­ tains 30 unusual features which have earned for it the title, “The Study Bible that makes the Bible its own interpreter.” Its complete Cyclopedic Index is invaluable in}the preparation of sermons, mes­ sages,' and devotional outlines. A subject classifica­ tion is designed to stimulate devotional reading of the Bible through an intelligent relation of subject matter. The history and chronology of the English Bible forms a reference section. Pointers on the parables and( miracles, interesting facts and figures about the Bible, guides for personal workers and teachers, and many other educational features are included iri^ this uniquely complete study edition of • the Holy Bible. The print is large and plain, even


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