King's Business - 1937-12

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55 Features . 7 Great Departments M ake THE NEW CHA IN-REFERENCE BIBLE Truly a Bible P lu s a Biblical Library in O ne V o i urne

/THIRD $m p \W td EDITION^ \ED IT ED BY REV. F. C. T H O M P SO N , D.D., PH .D/

generation." No other Bible is so closely at­ tuned to this progressive, busy age; no other gives the Bible teaching on so many new sub­ jects of every day interest; no other offers as many as over 100,000 references analyzed and classified according to thoughts in the verses. Only in this work will you find the great truths of the Bible taught by contrast. And every particle of inspiring information is made in­ stantly available through the most complete General Index ever devised for a Bible—over seven thousand topics, names and places.

Not an ordinary Reference Bible with the usual so-called “Helps." This is the only work of its kind in the world. New! Different! Bet­ ter ! The only Bible with all the helps opposite the verses or directly connected with them. The only Bible analyzed by Book, Chapter and Verse. The only Bible containing thoughts linked with references, suggesting deeper spir­ itual meaning. A great stimulus to Bible study. And of course only this Bible offers the famed Numerical Chain Reference System, “the greatest development in Bible Helps for a

India paper, l^-inch thick . .. “A Master­ piece of Condensation."

Rap id ly Replacing O ther Bibles — Has So M a n y M o re New He lps! I. UniquechartshowingOriginand GrowthoftheEnglish Bible. | 2. The Outline Studies of Bible Periods, comparing Bib­ licalHistory withContemporarySecular History. 3. TheAnalysisoftheBibleasaWhole. The Revised Version is given in the wide margin opposite the verses, wherever an im­ portant difference in meaning occurs.

you to study the Constructive and Destructive Forces of Life, withthe Bibleverses printed outin fullundersuchsub­ jectsasFaith—Unbelief, Love—Hatred, Courage—Fear, etc. 33. LifeStudies, such as Business Life, Home Life, Devo­ tionalLife,TheSurrenderedLife,etc; 34. Bible Stories for Children. A list of 56 stories to be readfromtheBibleitself. 35. Miracles of both the Old and NewTestaments listed SnChronologicalOrder. 36. Parables of the Old Testament. Parables of the New Testament, listing those given in One Gospel Only, those givenin Two,andthosegiveninThree. 37. Titlesand NamesofChrist; oftheHolySpirit; ofGod the Father; andofSatan. 38. GeneralBible Prophecies. 39. AList oftheProphetsoftheBible._ 40. List ofJudgesofIsraeland JudahgiveninChronolog­ ical Order. 41. ListoftheNotableWomenoftheBible. 42. Mountains and Hills referred to in Bible, listing the ScenesofGreatEvents. 43. Dictionary Material. 44. Tables ofTime, Money, WeightsandMeasures. Eleven New Features Added in the Third Improved Edition 45. The Historical Bridge, covering interval between the Oldand NewTestaments. 46. Chartshowingthe History ofthe Apostles^ 47. Harmony of the Gospels, citingreferences in different Gospels whereeventsaregiven. 48. Calendarofthe ChristianEra. 49. The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus, illus­ trated with well-knownpaintings. 50. Chart of the Seven Churches of Asia, described by John. 51. AnOutlineHistoryoftheEvangelisticandMissionary Workofthe EarlyChurch. 52. TheprophesiesConcerningJesusandtheirFulfillment, arranged Chronologically, with principal verses printed out in full 53. Map ShowingApproximateDistances fromJerusalem to VariousHistorical Points. 54. ChartShowingtheInteriorArrangementoftheTemple at Jerusalem. 55. Thirteen Special Illustrated Maps Showing the Jour­ neys ofJesus, Peter, Paul, and the Journeys of the Children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. These are separate maps, mind you—not severalcrowded together on one page. BIBLE CO.

4. The Analysisofeach ofthe 66BooksoftheBible. 5. The Analysisofevery Chapter ofthe NewTestament. 6. The Analysisofthe Verses oftheentireBible. 7. The NumericalandChainReferenceSystems. 8. Special Analysis ofthe Important BibleCharacters. 9. Contrast between the Oldand NewTestaments. 10. The Topical Treasury. NewTopics for Prayer Meet­ ings, Men’s Meetings, Women’sMeetings, MissionaryMeet­ ings, YoungPeople’s Meetings, etc. II. SpecialBible Readingsfor privatedevotionsand pub­ licservices. Newand different subjects. 12. BibleHarmonies ofthe Lives ofMores and Paul. 13. Special PortraitsofJesus. 14. Chart of the MessianicStars. 15. Chartshowing cause ofthe Babylonian Captivity. 16. Chart of the Temple of Trutn illustrating the Ser­ mon onthe Mount. - 17. Chart ofJesus’HoursontheCross. 18. TheChristianWorkers’Outfit. Oispecialvaluetosoul winners. . I 19. AllProminent Bible Characters Classified, listing -he Patriarchs, Leaders in Early HebrewHistory, Courageous Reformers, etc., withmeaningof theirnames given. 20. GoldenChaptersoftheBible. 21. A Complete General Index of over seven thousand topics, namesand places. 22. SpecialMemoryVersesselectedfromeachBookofthe Bible. 23. ChartShowingSevenEditionsofDivineLaw. 24. Graphofthe ProdigalSon. 25. BibleMnemonics, orhowtomemorize. 26. The Principles and Best Methods of Bible Study. 27. PictorialIllustrationoftheRiverofInspiration. 28. Bible Markings, Explaining best methods_of marking one’sBible. 29. Concordance. 30. Atlas of 12coloredmaps withindexfor quickly locat­ ingplaces. Other Featuresin Text Cyclopedia 31. Topical Study of the Bible. Correlated Scriptures printed out in full under 2467 topics and sub-topics. Three timesasmanyas inanyother Bible. 32. Contrast Study of Great Truths of theBible.Enables B. B. mm

ENDORSED BY LEADERS No Bible has ever before won the praise of so many renowned Bible students and workers. Evangelists, scholars, and editors join the ministers in praising the New Chain Reference Bible, because they have found it, in actual use, to be by far the most valuable and practical working Bible ever published.

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