May OnSite 2024

the Education Committee within Metro! Education is a passion of mine, and I believe it’s essential to pay it forward and share knowledge with others. My ultimate goal is to open my own school, where I can help create a new generation of skilled workers. I believe that education should start early, and I’m committed to helping others learn and grow in the construction industry. Just like my own informal education, which started at a young age, I believe that the younger we can inspire and educate others, the better!

transforming my projects. From innovative materials to smart building solutions, IBS opened my eyes to the latest trends and best practices in the industry. But more importantly, it reminded me that investing in myself - my time, my money, and my education - is the key to staying ahead of the curve and delivering exceptional results for my clients. I returned from IBS a better contractor, a better designer, and a better business owner, and I couldn’t be more grateful to Metro for pushing me to take that leap!

What are you looking forward to at the 2024 AOEs? I’m thrilled to be attending the 2024 Awards of Excellence (AOEs) for the first time this year! We’re excited to be a part of this prestigious event and are looking forward to a fantastic evening of networking, inspiration, and celebration. Plus, we have a couple of submissions for a project in Freehold, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a win! Win or lose, it’s an honor to be recognized among such talented professionals, and we’re eager to learn from the experiences and achievements of others in the industry. Bring on the AOEs! Getting to know you: Music: Classic rock all the way! You’ll always find me jamming to the legends. Reading : Currently enjoying Michele Leppard’s (Metro’s EO) inspiring book, Unwavering Instinct. A must-read, when my wife allows me to read it. Color: Blue, the calming

What would you like to see more of in 2024 from Metro and its members? How would you guide others to partner up more? The answer is simple: In 2024, I would love to see more members actively engaging with Metro and its events. By attending and participating in these events, we can unlock a wealth of knowledge, opportunities, and connections that can take our businesses to the next level. Personally, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional professionals like Cat Garruto, Dane Rohmann, and others, who have not only shared their expertise but also provided invaluable mentorship. Through brief meetings with industry leaders like Frank Coppola, Warren King, and Michele Leppard, I’ve gained valuable insights and guidance that have helped me grow both personally and professionally. Our current president, Kristie Veri, has been instrumental in fostering a supportive environment that encourages collaboration and growth. By attending Metro events, we can build meaningful

relationships, learn from each other’s experiences, and discover new ways to drive business growth. Let’s make 2024 the year we come together, share our expertise, and lift each other up to new heights. I encourage all members to get involved, attend events, and tap into the collective knowledge and resources that Metro has to offer. Together, we can achieve great things! Are you a part of any Metro Committees? Yes, I’m proud to be a part of

and trustworthy hue. Food: Chicken par m, the ultimate comfort food! Trip: Exploring Europe with my colleague Simon Lee in 2010 - unforgettable adventures in Italy, Amsterdam, and Ireland! Design: Sketchup, hands down! Amazing 3D drawings that elevate my customer service and business. Construction: Anything DeWalt and my trusty hammer - can’t go wrong with these reliable essentials!


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