May OnSite 2024

been such a push towards traditional college degrees rather than developing vocational skills over the last several years. I’m hoping that with the career fairs I’ve seen recently and through outreach and social media, there will be a shift in the perception of the construction industry to attract the younger generation. Another thing that I hear over and over is the lack of communication and professionalism from different trades, which leads to preconceived notions about contractors. I think that communication is key in all aspects of life, but even more so when a service is being provided. What advice do you have about marketing/social media to build business and reach customers? Two things come to mind. First, be authentic! Don’t just repost other peoples’ work or suppliers’ posts on your own account. That gives your potential customers a false impression of your company. It’s best to highlight your actual work so the buyer knows exactly what they are getting. Second, take the time to learn about the nuances of social media. Perhaps take a course or even work with a professional in this area for a short period of time. Digital marketing has exploded in its importance and it’s not an easy thing to do on the side like it used to be. At Alps Craftsman we tried to do our digital marking in-house, but we now

work with an external agency, which has been a great decision. Have you/your company performed any community service or charitable efforts within the last year? Alps Craftsman works with

was an organization that really made sense for us to be a part of. As a company, Alps Craftsman is making a conscious effort to get more involved in networking events, and I have already met a ton of people at the few events I have had the opportunity to attend. Our goal is to interact with other trades in the region, have a source for education, and be part of a community that we can support and be supported by. Are you a part of any Metro Committees? If so, which ones and how did you become involved with them? I have recently joined the Professional Women in Building and Remodelers Council. I’m looking forward to getting more involved and building relationships with the Metro members. Getting to know you: What are you listening to? Anyone that has spent time with me in the car can attest to the fact that my taste in music is very eclectic. I was recently introduced to Noah Kahan’s music and have been loving every song of his that I hear. The lyrical intelligence and passion behind the words he writes and the way he sings them is something that you don’t find every day. Favorite Trip/Vacation: This industry has allowed me to explore places I never imagined I would. I tried to see as much as I could in the places I visited for work and was able to take some vacation while overseas to do so as well. I’d say that Spain has topped the list of places I’ve been, and I loved every city I visited. For work I was in Vigo which is in Galicia in the northwest of Spain. That area is probably my favorite place that I’ve traveled to. While in Spain I was also able to visit Valencia, Madrid, and the Canary Islands and had so many cool experiences and tried some amazing food along the way.

the Roxbury High School Structural Design and Fabrication students on their modular home build. The home the students build each year is donated to Morris Habitat for Humanity. Our team does the template, fabrication, and installation of the kitchen in the home. To make it educational, we teach the students how to do a countertop template and installation inside of the home they built. We’re in the process of planning this year’s home and are very excited to work with the Structural Design and Fabrication students on this project! Years in the Metropolitan Builders and Contractors Association: Personally, 6 months, but Alps Craftsman as a company has been a member since 2015. Why did you join Metro? A lot of our customers are located in the region that Metro represents so we felt that it


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