Alex Echo
"Water is our primary life force & these painting are all about water"
As an artist, David Hockney, Monet and Matisse are always influences for himand he is a big fan of acclaimed German artist Gerhard Richter. "I greatly admire his later abstractionwork and there are elements of his inspiration inmy newpieces." NATURAL REVERENCE Echo creates his distinctive, highly original workwith immense environmental care, ensuring that hemakes as little impact on the planet as he can. "I try to be as green as possible", he said. "I usewater-based paint and the resin that I apply on top to give the painting its liquidity is the least toxic I can find." "I love nature, I love the earth, and I lovewatching the stars withmy child. I canmeditate on themovement of a river, or the breeze on an English pond or lake for hours. These new limited editions are some of my best examples of this love affair and its attendant madness; my attempts at capturing the tiniest snapshot of the infinite ballet of quantum
miracles that lie before our eyes every single second of our lives." Inwhat Echo calls his "small attempt at giving a little something back to this beautiful earth, its oceans, rivers and lakes", he is donating all of his royalties fromsales of the prints toWaterAid UK. "Millions of people in theworld are dying because of lack of water", he said "and the problemhas now reached critical mass. Water is our primary life force and these painting are all about water so it made total sense tome to do this." AlexEcho'snewcollection isbeing exhibitedatgalleriesacrossthecountry untiltheendof2014,withtheartistmaking personalappearancesatselected locations. GALLERY Reflections &Ripples Study No.4; Reflections &Ripples Study No.1; Elemental Source Study No.1; and Elemental Source Study No.2 are each available as a signed boxed canvas in a limited edition of 95. Viewonline at
52 FIN e ARTC o LL e CT o R AUTUMN2014
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