OA 2020

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Dulwich College



Sports Dinner At the end of January, over 200 OAs came together in the magnificent surroundings of the Mountbatten Room in the RAC Club in Pall Mall to celebrate Dulwich Sport. Athletes mingled with golfers, sailors with rugby players and cricketers. OAs with ages spanning 18 to 80, and representing over a dozen sports, listened to a conversation between David Flatman (96-98), Andrew Sheridan (90-98) and Nick Easter (91-96), former England rugby players, and Dr Kieran West MBE (86-95), English rower and Olympic champion. Old friendships were rekindled and tales of past glories told, retold and exaggerated long into the night. It could not have been a better way to begin the Alleyn Club celebrations for the school’s 400th year. St Paul’s Cathedral In June 2019, pupils, staff, OAs, Governors and representatives of the wider College community came together for the Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral, one of the key events of the 400th anniversary commemorations. The service celebrated the College’s past and present, and looked to the future in a vivid sequence of memorable words and music. The service at St Paul’s began with a magnificent rendering of Vaughan Williams' arrangement of the Old Hundredth . It was a beautifully balanced occasion of words and music and our choir and musicians did us proud, as did the Cathedral’s Organ Scholar James Orford (03-14). Our special guest speaker was Professor Sir David Cannadine, President of the British Academy, who encouraged pupils to look outwards from the College in their pursuit of languages and intellectual inquiry. The service concluded with the singing of the School Song, and Jerusalem , a reading from Shackleton’s South , and the pealing of the Cathedral's bells (the second largest ring of bells in the world).

Stained Glass Helen Whittaker’s commemorative stained glass window was installed in the Lower Hall of the College as a lasting artistic memorial of the quatercentenary. Helen's window sets the flaming heart of the College Coat of Arms - a hand grasping a heart, issuing from flames of fire. Helen is a renowned artist and designer highly regarded for her new stained glass windows and architectural sculpture in glass and copper. With 25 years of experience in stained glass creation and restoration painting, Helen worked with David Hockney to produce The Queen’s Window in Westminster Abbey. Phoenix and Unicorn Our Phoenix and Unicorn Exhibition showcased seven of the most renowned wood engravers working in the UK and the USA today. Curated by Dr Jan Piggott, the exhibition explored the work of OA Thomas Sturge Moore (1870-1944) who was a wood-engraver, poet, playwright, designer, and writer on art and aesthetics. Limited edition prints are available to view and purchase at the College shop. You can find out more by visiting the College website shop. dulwich.org.uk/store Carols by Candlelight To bring the quatercentenary to its completion the College’s Carols by Candlelight was held at Southwark Cathedral in December 2019. The Chapel Choir and Brass Consort led a large congregation in a celebration of traditional seasonal hymns and carols which included the world premiere of Puer Pacis (The Dulwich Peace Carol) written by the American composer, Nico Muhly. His setting of a text by the Master, is a poignant and pertinent call for peace. Dulwich hosts 157th Senior Rugby Fixture Versus Bedford School The 157th meeting of Dulwich and Bedford’s 1st XV’s as part of the 400th anniversary celebrations was always going to be a special occasion. Dulwich hosted all 18 fixtures between the schools following the Lower School house rugby in the morning. Over 800 boys played, culminating in the 1st XV game with a huge crowd staying on in the rain to witness Dulwich’s win 23–10 as the rain continued to pour. The day was made all the more special with many OAs turning up to witness the dedication of the Pavilion to Senior Fellow, Terry Walsh.

Dulwich Olympiad We welcomed 566 students and 80 staff from our ten Dulwich College International Schools for a tremendous week of sporting competitions, music and drama performances, art workshops and exhibitions for the Dulwich Olympiad 2019, one of our showcase events in our 400th anniversary year.

The Dulwich Roll The College Archive famously holds the world’s most important collection of documents relating to the theatre at the turn of the seventeenth century. It also holds both the Letters Patent giving King James I’s permission to found the College as well as the Foundation Document signed by, amongst others, Edward Alleyn and Francis Bacon. We wanted to add to this collection with a document which would capture both the beauty of heraldic art as well as the events of 2019. We approached an OA herald at the College of Arms and through his advice the Dulwich Roll was created. Throughout the 400th anniversary year, members of our worldwide Dulwich community were invited to sign pages of the Roll. Signings took place at several dozen events, and the Roll is currently present for public viewing in the Dulwich Archives.

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