Lost Property Please label all items of clothing to help the staff return the correct uniform, clothing and belongings to the correct child. During the school day, children have many situations when they are taking off layers of clothing, e.g. to engage in water play, clothing being washed after a very messy activity, at playtime, PE, swimming or going for a sleep. If all items of clothing are labelled it ensures that we are able to quickly and efficiently return clothes to the correct child. Lost property in the Kindergarten is kept in the Duckling hallway and in the Infants’ School it is kept in a chrome bin by Swan Class (Early Years) and Curlew Class (Key Stage 1). At the end of each term any unclaimed items are claimed by Friends of DUCKS for the uniform sale or donated to charity. Lunch and Snacks DUCKS is committed to offering children healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet the individual needs and requirements of each child. All food allergies or special dietary requirements will be taken into account and, in discussion with the parents/carers, catered for. Please do not provide your child with additional snacks or drinks as these may pose a risk to any children with allergies. Please speak to any member of staff about the ingredients in any meal if you need any further information about allergens. If you wish to bring homemade food for your child to share with their friends we ask that you complete the Ingredients Checklist. Shop bought cakes must also have the list of ingredients clearly labelled. Cakes must not contain any trace of seeds or nuts. During the school day, all children are offered a mid-morning snack and access to water at all times. In the Kindergarten, children attending for a full day are offered breakfast and afternoon tea. In the Infants’ School, children booked into Before School Care may have breakfast and for those in Beyond The Classroom, afternoon tea is served. Lunch is a two course meal and is provided on site by our own chef and kitchen assistant. We offer beef, halal chicken and vegetarian options and do not serve any nut products. The lunch menu is attached to the weekly newsletter, available on the school website and is also displayed throughout DUCKS. In the Kindergarten, mealtimes are a happy, social occasion for staff and children to eat together in each of the rooms. Positive interactions are shared and enjoyed at these times. A record of what your child has eaten for lunch is displayed outside the Toddler and Duckling rooms. At the Infants’ School, lunch is served in the school hall from 11.50 am - 1.00 pm and there are two sittings, 11.50 am - 12.30 pm for Nursery and Reception children and 12.30 pm -1.00 pm for Year 1 and Year 2 children.
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