Welcome to DUCKS - An introduction for parents 2017

Special Events At DUCKS we share the children’s achievements and reflect on events and festivals through performance and experiences in the school and wider community. You will be invited to attend many of these events and we hope you can join us to support and celebrate the children’s achievements. In the Kindergarten, the children will take part in a Christmas party, an Easter egg hunt and Fun Day. Ducklings will also join Sports Day and have a leavers’ Assembly at the end of the Summer Term when the children showcase their achievements made during the year. All children are also involved in focused weeks such as Book Week and Science Week. Each year the children in the Infants’ School will present a class assembly based on their current learning. Reception and Year 1 classes present a play in the Michaelmas term. In the Summer Term Year 2 use the Edward Alleyn Theatre for their final play and also present their leavers Assembly to parents/carers. These are fantastic opportunities for the children to develop the confidence required to express themselves to an audience. The children also participate in the following events, to which parents/ carers are invited: • Harvest Festival Service at St Stephen’s Church • Christmas Service at DUCKS • Easter Service at St Stephen’s Church • Inter-school swimming galas

• Inter-school sports days • String and piano concerts

You will receive reminders for the dates and times of these events via a paper calendar each term, the newsletter and DUCKSPost nearer the time. This information is also available at the online calendar on the DUCKS website www.dulwich.org.uk/ducks .

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