Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify whether or not your headaches may be the result of neck pain and dysfunction. One of the most common causes of headaches due to neck pain is FORWARD HEAD POSITION . Forward head position means that your head is oriented further forward than your torso and your neck is arched backwards. This position commonly leads to tightness in the muscles on the back of the neck and weakness in the front. You can identify whether or not you have a forward head position by standingstraightagainst thewallanddeterminingwhetherornotyour head rests against the wall as your back does. If your head does not touch the wall when you are standing straight, then you aren’t fully standing up straight! Not only does this position lead to structural changes, it can also lead to neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder dysfunction, and headaches. When forward head position is an issue, working with a physical therapist may be able to help. Stretchingthemusclesatthebaseofyourskullandrollingona lacrosse ball to alleviate neck strain can reduce the severity and regularity of your headaches. It is also important to stretch additional muscles that maybetight.Thiswilltakeadditionaltestingbyyourphysicaltherapist. Implement deep neck flexor strengthening into your daily exercise routine as well to decrease the weakness commonly associated with THE PROBLEM WITH POSTURE
a forward head position. One of these exercises is explained in the ‘Exercise Essentials’ section of this newsletter. When dealing with neck pain, it is important to remember that safety has to come first. While there aremany simple activities you can try at home to begin stretching your neck muscles, working with a physical therapist is the only way to ensure that you are stretching in a way that won’t potentially lead to greater injury. If you are suffering from headaches and want to not only find the causebutalsoprevent futurepain,contactAthleticAdvantagePhysical Therapy today at (214) 383-0623. One of our dedicated physical therapists would be happy to meet with you for a consultation and discuss how our different programs can help you return to your active and pain-free life!
OUR SERV I CES • Aquatic Therapy • Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) • Concussion Therapy • Dance Injury Rehabilitation • Electrical Stimulation • Instrument Assisted Manual Therapy • Joint Mobilization • Kinesio Taping • Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) • Manual Therapy • Therapeutic Exercise • Vertigo Treatment
UNIQUE ASPECTS & BENEFITS • Influence on nerves that supply muscles with motor and sensory input
• Reduction in myofascial trigger points (MTrP) that often refer pain
• More efficient than traditional manual therapy
THERAPY RESULTS • Reduced pain
• Increased range of motion
• Increased strength through neuromuscular re-education
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