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18. GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES If you are a resident outside the United Kingdom at any time during the term of the tenancy (including military personnel) please carefully read and complete the following: Under The Non-resident Landlords Scheme, this firm is assessed for basic rate of tax due from rent received by Landlords resident abroad. We therefore reserve the right to retain a portion of the rental income to meet this tax assessment. In limited circumstances we may pay the rental income without withholding tax provided we receive a letter from the appropriate UK tax representative advising that they are empowered to deal with your tax affairs and that they accept liability for payment to HMRC. HMRC will be contacted to confirm this is acceptable. Please complete one of the sections below: Name and address of person or company resident in the UK who will act as your financial representative and to whom we can write to obtain confirmation that they will be empowered to deal with your taxation affairs and accepts liability for payment to HMRC. Name: Address: Post Code: Tel. No.: Fax No: I have not appointed a financial representative and understand that income tax at the basic rate will be deducted by the agents from rents received from commencement date of non-residence and until approval to do otherwise is obtained from the HMRC. Signed: National Insurance Number: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE (Details of Trades Persons to be used) If you do not have any particular trades person we will recommend one of our usual contractors to carry out the works. Plumber* : Tel. No: Electrician* : Tel. No: General Builder*: Tel. No: Gardener* : Tel No: Unless otherwise instructed, we will authorise repairs and renewals up to the sum of £200 on your behalf. Where circumstances allow we will contact you with appropriate estimates for repairs and renewals in excess of this figure, unless we have to carry out emergency repairs. * In the case of an emergency, if your usual/preferred contractor is not contactable or available to attend, we will instruct a Whites approved contractor. Please supply an information pack with details of all appliances that are to remain in the property. This can be brought to the office with any keys. In the case of a new house, please give the following details: NHBC Number: Tel. No of NHBC Office: Date Certificate Issued: Plot No.
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