Biola Broadcaster - 1963-03

Son. God had to turn in abhorance from that sin. God was in Christ re­ conciling the world unto Himself. The Lord Jesus Christ was exercising not only His humanity on the cross, He was exercising His deity which never forsook Him. The question was asked that you and I might pinpoint the rea­ son for our sin. He was being forsaken of God because of our sin. God for­ sook the Son in that moment that He might remember us forevermore! Q . Boise, Idaho — “Is there any signifi­ cance to David’s selecting five smooth stones, w ith one of which he slew the lion?” A. There are those who say that David took five stones because Goliath had four brothers who were to meet him. David wasn’t going to take any chanc­ es; he wanted to have plenty of am­ munition. They were smooth stones be­ cause he could aim them better. Other than that, there would be no specific connotation. A rough or odd shaped stone cannot be guided. Q . Studio City, California — “In Reve­ lation 22:2 we read of the healing tree of life found in eternity. If I read my Bible correctly, why do we need heal­ ing in heaven?” A. This verse does not teach imperfec­ tion in eternity. In Revelation 21 we read that there is not going to be any more pain. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4). The Spirit of God is suggesting the healing of the nations. It is not to induce heal­ ing, but rather to maintain and sustain healing. Q . Hayward, California — “Do you be­ lieve that God forgave the men who nailed Jesus to the cross, even as Christ asked His Father to do? A. Whether these men truly repented of what they had done, we are not told. 14

Panel Discussions (continued) be praying for one another. We are to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, so do not give up. When your task is done, then the Lord will see to it that you are reunited with those whom you have loved and lost awhile, and best of all that you will be ushered into the presence of our blessed Lord Himself. Q . Buena Park, California — “W ill Chrisfs return for His church come after every tongue, tribe, nation, etc. has heard the Gospel?” A. This question is the result of a de­ gree of confusion in connection with the dispensational truth taught in the Word of God. We presume that the writer refers to the passage in Mat­ thew’s gospel account, “And this gospel •of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14). This portion does not refer to the times in which we are now living. It is the period of time immediately following the rapture when the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached again. Today we preach the gospel of grace. We want to get the gospel out to as many as possible before the Lord comes, but His coming is not dependent upon everyone hear­ ing the message. Q . Portland, Oregon — “What did Christ mean when He cried out, ‘M y God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?’ ” A. These blessed words were uttered by our Saviour from the cross while in the act of dying for the sins of the word. This is a quotation from the 22nd Psalm. He who knew no sin God made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This does not mean that God made the Lord Jesus Christ a sinner. He never was a sinner! God laid upon Him all of the sins of the world. There was wonderful fellowship between the Trinity which was cut off when Christ died. The same sin God hates in us, He hated when it was put upon His

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