EVO Ultra Mercury Group Factsheet for Meeting 7am-9.30am, Wed 31 May 2023 Online Meeting
Guest Speaker Steve Dalton OBE CDir FIoD(Dip) CCMI
Steve Dalton OBE has been part of Sony for 40 years. He is currently the Executive Advisor at Sony Europe and is concluding his role as Managing Director for UK Tec Operations. In addition, he has been Chair of the Board of Directors of the Football Association of Wales for nearly 4 years now. Steve is an inspiraLonal and visionary senior execuLve and transformaLon leader, with a unique skill set of operaLonal and change management skills, developed turning around and growing business in crisis. He received his OBE for this work in Wales. He excels with strong and credible communicaLon and influencing skills, working effecLvely with stakeholders, strategic partners, vendors, industry regulators, PR/media connecLons and Government. He is a qualified Chartered Director through the InsLtute of Directors and enjoys several external board roles of Industry bodies. Steve was a Board Director of Sony UK from 2005 to 2015.
Steve enjoys playing football himself and lives in Bridgend.
Our Special Guest Speaker Wing Commander Andy Green OBE He is an avid follower of sport, sails, skis and plays the occasional game of village cricket. Sir Peter Wall is the co-founder of Amicus, a specialist leadership consultancy. He was the Commander in Chief of UK Land Forces and subsequently, Chief of the General Staff (Head of the British Army), retiring in 2014. He has an engineering degree from the University of Cambridge and has extensive experience in dealing with British and foreign governments at the highest levels, as well as a proven track record in the strategic leadership of large and complex organisations. He is a recognised speaker on geopolitics and leadership techniques in business. Peter is a director of the General Dynamics Corporation and president of Combat Stress, the UK military mental health charity.
Mercury Group Chair: General Sir Peter Wall GCB, CBE, DL
Jordan Franklin jordan@mf-g.com linkedin.com/in/jordan-franklin- a44478b7/
John Telling ACA john.telling@towens.co.uk linkedin.com/in/john- telling-7ab817b/
Martin Roberts martinroberts1@hotmail.com linkedin.com/in/property- expert-martin/
Joel Dunning jdunning@gsverde.finance linkedin.com/in/jndunning/
Darshan Patel darshan@pixafusion.co.uk
Sunjay Singh sunjay@lifemediauk.com linkedin.com/in/sunjaylmuk/
linkedin.com/in/ darshanpatel1/
Ben Gilks ben@neappliances.com linkedin.com/in/ben- gilks-2881451a0/
Daniel Smith dansmith@swbf.co.uk linkedin.com/in/daniel- smith-54004664/
Mark Langmead mark.langmead@militarycompli anceservices.com linkedin.com/in/mark- langmead/
Nick Collins nick.collins@cleverchefs.co.uk linkedin.com/in/nick- collins-599b4887/
Greg Harris Greg@unividual.co.uk linkedin.com/in/portishead- financial-adviser/
Karen Hutchings karen@goose-island.co.uk
linkedin.com/in/ karenhutchings/
EVO Ultra Mercury Members
General Sir Peter Wall peter.wall@amicuslimited.com linkedin.com/in/peter- wall-50a718136/
Visiting ULTRA WALES Group 2 Members
Rebecca Edwards- Symmons Chief Executive Commonwealth Games Wales
Chelsea Pinches-Burrowes Founder, WCS Agency
Attendance Attendance isn’t mandatory, but ‘subs’ cannot attend in a Member’s place. We politely ask Members to try not to leave early, as we will usually conclude a meeting with an accountability round in preparation for the following meeting. To get the full benefit of the tried and tested peer group system - we strongly recommend treating each meeting as a client meeting and ring fencing the dates in your diary.
Confidentiality We ask all members to follow the commonly understood ‘Chatham House Rules’. Each Member agrees not to discuss any ULTRA Member’s business with anybody outside the of the group or disclose who the other Members are. Equally, all ideas are shared/given by Members freely with no expectation later of any form of financial reward, IP or compensation etc. No Member can be held liable for advice given either.
Meeting Dates for 2021 12 May 16 June 14 July 18 August 15 September 13 October
17 November 15 December
Please make use of the ULTRA Mercury Group 2-way WhatsApp chat
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