Newsletter Pro - October 2021

Don’t Just Sell Harder —Sell Smarter

can learn from marketing legends Nike, Apple, Volkswagen, Dos Equis, and De Beers. Read them, write them down (or just keep this newsletter), and put them into action at your company. Your bottom line will thank you!

You’ve probably heard the quote, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” That’s true for a lot of things, including political struggles and costly wars. But it’s not true in every arena, and it’s definitely not true for great advertising! In that case, this would be a more accurate quote to live by: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to never reap the huge rewards of the companies before them.” You can probably see where we’re going with this. The fact is that one of the best ways to improve your company’s marketing and sell your product or service more effectively is to look back at successful marketing campaigns of the past. There’s a reason why Nike’s 1988 “Just Do It” campaign is still making headlines after 30 years, and Apple’s “Get a Mac” ads boosted sales 36% year-over-year. Here’s the good news: We’ve already started digging through the history books for you! Below, you’ll find five lessons you

1. A Lesson FromNike: Align your message with your purpose . Did you know that Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan came from the last words of a murderer facing a firing squad? It’s true — just Google “Nike” and “Gary Gilmore.” That controversy aside, the “Just Do It” campaign caught fire in 1988 because it encapsulated Nike’s core purpose of inspiring people to move their bodies, right now, in great apparel that makes that easy. More than 30 years later, Nike is still using the slogan and its sales have soared from $800 million to $2 billion annually. 2. A Lesson From Apple: Use humor to highlight your strengths . Unless you lived under a rock from

2006–2009, you probably remember Apple’s “Get a Mac” campaign. It featured two people

B2B marketer’s impact and success in an increasingly online

representing the Mac and PC computers: a stuffy accountant type and a laid-back young tech bro (guess which was which). Over the course of 66 spots, the ads used Good Continued on Page 6 ...

marketplace. The biggest challenge marketers must

overcome in their roles now, in Heinz’s words, is “fear.” He explains, “Fear of embracing responsibility for something marketers don’t entirely control. Fear of stepping out of their comfort zone and working on something they don’t entirely understand, like sales. And fear of failing.”

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Heinz’s ultimate goal was to create an awesome, all-inclusive resource “that [is also] accessible, practicable, and actionable. You can

“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” –James 3:18 NIV “The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.” –Psalms 85:12 NIV

read it front to back or simply find the sections that speak

directly to something you’re tackling right now, be it analytics, attribution, or sales enablement, just to name a few.” We think he accomplished his goal! Give “Full Funnel Marketing” by Matt Heinz a try to completely innovate your marketing approach in today’s digital era.

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