Faraday joint interest group conference 2023

Fluorescent gold nanoprobes with RNA modification for cancer biomarker detection in exosomes Zinuo Li , Yu Chen, Olaf Rolinski University of Strathclyde, UK We report two fluorescent nanoprobes consist with small gold nanorods functionalized with fluorophore labelled hairpin DNA and 2Me/PS LOOP modified hairpin RNA, which can be used to detect RNA biomarker in cancer exosomes. The performance of nanoprobes was characterized in solution phase and investigated by incubating with cancer and non-cancer exosomes measured by flow cytometry. The results showed that two types of probe are able to detect biomarkers by monitoring the fluorescence intensity changes.It has been found that the modification of hairpin RNA will significantly improve the uptake rate, efficiency and accuracy of nanoprobes in cancer biomarker detection.In addition, the HEK293 exosomes can uptake more probes than PC3 exosomes in the same condition.


© The Author(s), 2023

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