King's Business - 1930-06


June 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

give way to the superb Cro-Magnon people, who pre­ sumably had developed from another line of humans; for these men all to perish, vastly superior though they were to their ape-men predecessors, and having tools, intel­ ligence, and domesticated plants and animals for their sup­ port; for all men in all parts of the earth to perish, in spite of the way they advanced from ape-man standards through tens of thousands of years—all would perish ex­ cept a few in west Central Asia, and possibly a few else­ where, who would later fail to survive; and then these few men in west Central Asia would suddenly spread out over the whole earth, not as one race, but as many diverse, highly endowed peoples, seemingly with the foundation of a wonderful lot of civilizations! Such a concept is ridiculous. Therefore the theory of human origin by evo­ lution is ridiculous. The only kind of origin that will suit this set of facts is that given in Genesis, of Noah and his sons as the progenitors of all living races. T h e D ifference in R aces This is a very technical problem which can only be dis­ cussed here in a brief and general fashion. The fact that races differ so much from one another, as Mongolians, Whites and Negroes, though all came from the same dis­ trict only a few thousand years ago, favors the kind of history Genesis presents immeasurably more than it favors the theory that mankind developed from ape standards for tens of thousands of years. The critical point here is that strong racial differences must have originated in the childhood of the race, so to speak; that is to say, while men were few. Distinct breeds of animals or varieties of plants can only develop by isolating a very few individuals—-almost invariably one family, and only parts of that family—from all other individuals. This fact is recognized and acknowledged by all great biologists. It is one of the primary facts of genetics. Therefore to get races as distinct as Negroes and Whites, the division between the two must have come when very few men lived, or, speaking definitely, among the immediate descendants of Noah. Otherwise the de­ scendants of Noah would have married back, and forth and all possible racial lines of marked importance would have been obliterated. However, if mankind had increased from ape standards to typical men, filling up the earth in the process, the isolation of very small groups to develop into the present races of men could not have occurred. The subject is a technical one, but very apparent to a biol­ ogist. The great difference between races favors most de­ cidedly a Genesis history, rather than a long, ape-man history. Lastly, when history dawns, it dawns on races very highly endowed. The subject has been discussed so well and so often elsewhere that it will not be more than touched here. The Chinese, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Per­ sians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and other nations begin as civilized, though very distinct from one another. How could this possibly be if they had all developed gradually from ape-man standards through tens of thousands of years, or even from the finely endowed, but primitive­ living hunters of Cro-Magnon type? It could not be. All that is left for a true scientist to believe is the record of Genesis. S ummary Facts are facts and evidence is evidence, yet no mat­ ter how learned a man or group of men may be, pre-con- ceived ideas often dominate over fact. Still, when facts

are clear and are held up for public attention they finally compel acceptance. Here are a set of facts that are per­ fectly plain and apparent to all who will look at them. Un­ fortunately most have seemingly been overlooked by those who are willing to welcome them. Weigh these facts; see if they do not discredit human evolution conclusively and at the same time support the doctrine of Genesis cre­ ation and Genesis history: 1. Widespread traditions of a universal Deluge indi­ cate the fact of a Deluge, a fact which evolutionists do not, and cannot admit and still accept- the kind of human history needed by evolution. 2. Human history of necessity would reach back tens of thousands of years, according to evolution, but actually it started only a few thousand years ago, just as Genesis asserts. 3. Unless all mankind, except a very few, perished after advancing from ape-man standards to finely endowed mankind, and those few were the ancestors of modern races, evolutionary history must be rejected, but no sane clear-thinking man would assert that such a course of de­ velopment occurred. The Genesis account fits human his­ tory excellently; the theory of evolution does not fit it at all. 4. The great difference in races, and the fact that the races of antiquity started suddenly and highly civilized demonstrates most conclusively that the doctrine of hu­ man evolution is false and Genesis correct. Canadian Sunday Scho6l Mission I N four great provinces of western Canada there are vast regions where children are growing up withtout any knowledge of the Gospel. Of the 145,000 children in the rural schools of Manitoba, at least one-half are outside the reach of church or Sunday-school.. In Saskatchewan there are more than 1,000- school districts without any Gospel ministry. In another province there are 500 districts where the Gospel has not been preached in fifteen years. In addition, large numbers of immigrants settle each year in Canada. They are almost wholly unevangelized. The enemy of souls, however, does not pass them by. A god­ less socialism is promulgated in many quarters, and false teachers diligently spread their pernicious doctrines. It was a knowledge of these facts which led a group of earnest Christian men, under the leadership of Rev. J. Lloyd Hunter, to form, in 1927, the Canadian Sunday School Mission, 601 Lombard Building, Winnipeg, Man. A special feature of the work of the Mission is the Bible memory contest in which children of rural communities, otherwise unreached with the Gospel, are specially re­ warded for learning Bible verses. Those who commit to memory 500 or more are given an eight-day outing at the lakeside, when intensive Bible study and personal evan­ gelism are emphasized. Seventy-six attended camp in Manitoba in 1928-29, and before they left every one had accepted Christ. Many of that number have become active in Sunday-school work. About fifty have enrolled for a Bible correspondence course. This year, in Manitoba alone, more than 3,200 are enrolled.

Special Subscription Campaign will close June 30, 1930.

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