King's Business - 1930-06


Just What Parents, Pastors and Teachers Have Long Wanted/ A Thoroughly Practical, Much Needed ible Correspondence Course for the Boys and Girls of To-Day Prepared by One Whose Life Work W as Bible Training of the Young— From Eight to the “ teens” .

BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES “Founded on The Old Bible and the Whole Bible."

I Now Available Lsepofial $1.001 O t* P R I ? ! ? for Only 2 Subscriptions to the 1 I v L / l- / Helpful Bible Family Magazine: "The King's Business"

What Others Think of this Boys’ and Girls’ Course: “ T h e c o rre sp o n d e n c e c o u rse for c h ild ren cam e this m o rn in g , a n d I am p e rfe c tly delig h ted w ith it. I o rd e re d it to send to a cousin an d am m ailing it ov er to th em in B er­ keley. I w ish I could p u t one in th e h an d s of every child I know . It is so clear, so good, th e p lan of sa l­ v a tio n so p lain a n d th e ^X^ord itself is so m u ch used in it. T h a n k you m any tim es.” “W e have indeed h ad a m ost h a p p y tim e in th e stu d y of G od’s W o rd . Y o u r c o u rse is one of ex ­ c ep tio n al in te re st for Y oung P e o ­ ple. T h e in te re st show n has b een a so u rce of real delig h t to m e. I h o p e th a t I m ay in te re st m o re of o u r p eo p le to try this c o u rse.”

A Course of True Constructive Worth: Entertaining, Interest-Sustaining— 1 4 Distinctly Different Lessons for the Young— Teaching Vital Biblical Truths. Non-Sectarian— of Real Service in Christian Homes wher­ ever there are Children and Young People. O f Special Value in Daily Vacation School work among the young. Certificates of Recognition Granted Upon Satisfactory Completion of Course. Give the matter prayerful thought—realising there’s rich profit in accepting either one of these liberal offers. Use the convenient Order Blank that fol­ lows when you reply and feel free to ask any questions you have in mind. CorespondenceSchol-Bible InstituteofLosAngeles 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California . □ E nclosed find $ 1 .0 0 fo r w h ic h sen d o n e c om p lete C h ild re n ’s Bible C o u rse to N am e......................................................................................A d d re ss............................................................................— □ E nclosed find $ 2 .5 0 ( o r $ 3 .0 0 fo reig n ) to c o v er 2 y e a rly su b scrip tio n s to T h e K in g ’s B usiness to be se n t to th e tw o follow ing a d d resses: N am e.......................... ...........................................................A d d re ss............... C o rre sp o n d en c e School, Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles, 536 S o u th H o p e S treet, Los A ngeles, C alif.

N am e........................................................................................ -..................... A d d re ss........................................... [—1 A s a prem ium , sen d th e C h ild re n ’s Bible C o rre sp o n d e n c e C o u rse w ith o u t c h a rg e : N am e............................................—.............................................................. A d d re ss........................................... PI P lease sen d com p lete details of all y o u r Bible C o rre sp o n d e n c e C o u rse s to N am e............................................................................................................... A ddress..

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