King's Business - 1930-06


June 1930


B u s i n e s s

T h e

K i n g ’ s

tical problems and spiritual factors in the life of the local church. The reading of Scripture in Yiddish and English, and lectures especially adapted to Jewish thought, are in charge of Rev. David L. Cooper, Monday evenings, from 9 to 10 o’clock. A beginners’ course in Bible study, Fridays at 8:45 A. M., is conducted by Rev. Alan S. Pearce, Director of the Correspondence Department. The actual work of the classroom is broadcast every day from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M. This covers the Old Tes­ tament Books and also lessons in Bible Doctrine, taught by Dr. John C. Page. The missionary side of Christian activity is cared for by Dean E. L. McCreery, Rev. John H. Hunter and Dr. H. W. Boyd. — o — Outline of an Address Given Over KTBI T h e P ower of G od T HREE conditions are necessary in order to realize the power of God in experience. There must come, first, the consciousness of our spiritual powerlessness. This leads to dependence upon God and reliance upon the indwelling Holy Spirit. The second necessary condition is prayerfulness. “No prayer means no power; little prayer implies little power; much prayer leads to much power.” The realization that His grace is sufficient comes to those who really pray. The third condition is progress; that is, the increas­ ing knowledge of Christ. This progressive knowledge is realized only by a minority of those who profess to be His followers. At the time of conversion to God there is a certain knowledge of Christ which leads to the conscious­ ness of sins forgiven, but unless the believer seeks to- know more of Christ, he will not grow in grace. This limita­ tion of spiritual knowledge is one of the most appalling facts in Church experience. Many Christians are defeated because of the lack of power, but this lack of power is due to the absence of the three conditions already named. The remedy is close at hand. It is ours to apply it. Excerpts From Letters I HEARD your talk this morning concerning the deity of Christ. Please have the proofs which you presented put in leaflet form. They would convince thousands of the truth of His deity.” “May I tell you how much I enjoyed the addresses en­ titled ‘Why I Believe in Christianity.’ It was a splendid combination of intelligence and spirituality.” “I write to thank you for the ringing of the chimes each noon. They call us to the thought of higher things.” “KTBI is a great blessing to this part of the world.” “May I tell you how very much we have enjoyed your program of Gospel music. We look forward to this every week.”

New Equipment and Efficiency I T was announced last month that permission had been given by the' Federal Radio Commission to increase the power of our Radio Station to 1000 watts. Because the present equipment was not up-to-date, this change has involved a great deal more than the mere increase of power. It has called for a remodeling of our broadcasting station. Many of the new improvements that are con­ stantly being introduced in the radio field have been added to the equipment. This remodeling and other changes have necessitated a great many mechanical testings and several trial broad­ castings after midnight, which is the only time permitted by the Radio Commission for such purposes. Naturally, the audience at that hour is not large. We were surprised to receive a goodly number of reports from people, called the “DX Hounds” in the vernacular of the radio, who were reaching out for distance and had heard the pro­ grams of KTBI. Some of these replies mentioned hours of reception as early as 3 A. M., and indicated that a decided improve­ ment had been made in the broadcasting. When this is­ sue of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness reaches our subscribers we shall be broadcasting regularly, with our new wattage power, on the same wave-length as formerly. We shall be happy to receive from our radio audiences any comment on, or criticism of, this effort to enlarge, the field of our radio service. Address, Radio Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. —o---- Radio Activities S OME idea of the scope of the work carried on by Radio KTBI will be gathered from the following outline of the activities of each week: A devotional service is conducted daily by,Dr. Isaac Ward, 8:15 to 8:45 A. M., responses to which are many and constant. The Book of Isaiah is taught by Dr. H. W. Kellogg on Wednesdays at 9 :45 A. M. Studies in the Psalms are conducted on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:30 A. M. by Dr. J. E. Jaderquist. Chapter studies in the Book of Genesis and the Gos­ pel of Mark are directed daily at 9:15 A. M., by Rev. E. A. Earns. The Christian life as illustrated by the experiences of the Children of Israel is presented on Wednesdays at 1 :30 P. M., by Rev. John A. Hubbard, who also teaches the International Sunday-school Lesson every Friday from 7 to 8 P. M. Dr. P. W. Philpott, Pastor of the Church of the Open Door, gives special talks on “heart problems” on Thurs­ days, 11:30 A. M. to 12 noon. The needs of the Sunday-school teacher and Church worker are cared for by Dr. Stanley H. Bailes, who gives addresses Monday and Wednesday mornings, on the sub­ ject of “The Church at Work.” This course covers prac­

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