King's Business - 1930-06

Bible In stitu te .... OF Los Angeles Los Angeles California

A Forward Movement Four-year Bible Collegiate Course, 128 credit units. Three-year Specialization Courses in Christian Edu­ cation, Missions, Music, 96 credit units. Two-year General Course, 64 credit units. Special Friday Evening Classes in Christian Educa­ tion, designed to meet the needs of Sunday- School Teachers of the Churches of Los Angeles and vicinity.

D r . W . P . W h ite P resident

Bible Collegiate Course - Four



Graduation on the basis of credit units, One unit represent­ ing one hour per week c l a s s r o o m work throughout Semester, Two non-curricula credits for Personal Practical Work— Total of 32 credit units per year. 128 credit units re­ quired for graduation from the new four- year course.

The work of the four-year course is embraced in the subjects given under the nine groupings as follows:

G roup II —O riginal L anguages Beginners’ N. T. Greek N. T. Exegesis I N. T. Exegesis II Beginners’ Hebrew Hebrew Syntax and Ex­ egesis G roup III— B ible H is ­ tory and C riticism Bible Geography, Manners and Customs Evidences and Criticism Advanced Biblical Criticism

G roup IV— T heology Doctrine •I Doctrine II Systematic Theology I Systematic Theology II G roup V— H istory Israel and the Nations Landmarks of Church His­ tory

G roup I —E nglish B ible Synthesis O. T. Synthesis N. T. Analysis Bible Exposition Exegesis Chapter Summary

Church History I Church History II History of Doctrine History of Missions

S tudent -B ody and F aculty of B ible I ns

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