King's Business - 1930-06

Forward Movement

Better Bible Courses for Bible Students to meet Varying Needs

B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles

D r . E lbert L. M c C reery D ean of F aculty

Bible Collegiate Course - Four Years

Missionary Principles and practice History of Christian Mis­ sions G roup IX—Music Conducting a n d M u s i c Fundamentals General Chorus Notation Conducting Sight Singing Harmony Normal Training

G roup VI — H omiletics and P astoral T heology Preparation a n d Delivery of Addresses r Preparation a n d Delivery of Sermons Expository Preaching

Christian Psychology Christian Interpretation of Fife Church Supervision Correlation of Christian Education Departmental Work Organization and Adminis­ tration G roup V III —M issions General Missions Non-Christian Religions Phonetics

The first two years of this Course will be offered beginning with the F a l l Semester, 1930. The third year work will also be offered if advance registrations for third year sub­ jects justify.

Practice Preaching Pastoral Theology Public Speaking

G roup VII— C hr istian E ducation Child Study Principles of Teaching

titute , L os A ngeles , N ovember , 1929

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