King's Business - 1930-06


June 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

8»« C^'ïKowiïletical 3 ~Celps— fo r (preachers and tea ch e rs B>— --- ------------------------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------ --------------------

Romans 12:1, 2 1. Paul’s Earnestness—“ I beseech you therefore, brethren.” 2. Paul’s New Ground of Appeal— “by the mercies of God.” 3. Paul’s Appeal— “p r e s e n t y o u r bodies." 4. God’s Requirements—a “l i v i n g , ” “holy," and therefore “acceptable” sacrifice. a. “Present yourselves” —Dedication. b. “Be not conformed" —Separation. c. “Be ye transformed” —Transfor­ mation. :—Scripture Truth, —o — The Jehovah Titles in Psalm 23 1. Jehovah-Rohi —“The Lord is my Shepherd” (Psa. 23:1). 2. Jehovah-Jireh —“The Lord will pro­ vide” (Gen. 22:14). “I shall not want” (Psa. 23:1). 3. Jehovah-Shalom —“The Lord send peace” (Judges 6:24). “The waters of quietness” (Psa. 23:2, marg.). 4. Jehovah-Ropheca —“The Lord that healeth thee” (Ex. 15:26). “He restoreth my soul” (Psa. 23:3). 5. Jehovah-Tsidkenu —“The Lord our righteousness” (Jer. 23:6). “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness” (Psa. 23:3). 6. Jehovah-Shammah —“The Lord is there” (Ezek. 48:35). “Thou art with me” (Psa. 23:4). 7. Jehovah-Nissi —“The Lord my ban­ ner” (Ex. 17:15). Jehovah-Sabcuoth — “The Lord of hosts” (1 Sam. 1:3, etc). Jehovah-Eleyon—“ The Lord most high” (Psa. 7:17; etc.). “Thou preparest a table before me: in the presence of mine enemies” (Psa. 23:5). 8. Jehovah-Mekadeschem —“The Lord that sanctifieth you” (Ex. 31:13, etc.). “Thou anoinest my head with oil” (Psa. 23:5). — Selected.

The Saviour’s Otter J esus S a ith C ome U nto M e :— 1. For pardon (Eph. 1 :5, 6, 7). 2. For comfort (Isa. 51:2, 3). 3. For "health (Matt. 8:16, 17). 4. . For strength (Phil. 4:13). 5. For holiness (John 15:4:5). 6. For peace (John 14:27). 7. For joy (John 15:10, 11). 8. For rest (Matt. 11:28). 9. For happiness (Prov. 13:17, 18). 10. For eternal life (John 6:47). — Selected. — o — Some Things Everlasting Everlasting Love—Jer. 31:3. Everlasting Salvation—Isa. 45:17. Everlasting Righteousness—Psa. 119:142. Everlasting Covenant—Isa. 55 :3; 2 Sam. 23:5. Everlasting Kindness—Isa. 54:8. Everlasting Joy—Isa. 35:10; Isa. 51:11. Everlasting Consolation—2 Thess. 2 :16. Everlasting Way—Psa. 139:24. Everlasting Remembrance—Psa. 112. Everlasting Sign—Isa. 55:13. Everlasting Children—Eph. 1 :4, 5. Everlasting Life—John 6 :47. Everlasting Light—>Isa. 60:19, 20. Everlasting Mercy—Psa. 103:17; 106:1. Everlasting Arms—Deut. 33 :27. Everlasting Strength-—Isa. 26:4. Everlasting Kingdom—2 Pet. 1:11; Psa. 145 :13. Everlasting Testimonies—Psa. 119:144. Everlasting Word—Isa. 40:8. Everlasting God—Psa. 8 :23; Psa. 90:2. — Selected. — o— God’s Interruptions 1. An interrupted prayer. Dan. 9:21. 2. An interrupted career. Acts 9 :2, 3. 3. An interrupted confession. Luke 15: 21. 4. An interrupted sermon. Acts 11:15. 5. An interrupted sleep. Acts 12:7. — Exchange. — o— The Three Crowns 1. The Crown of Life for the Warrior. Jas. 1 :12. 2. The Crown of Righteousness for the Watcher. 2 Tim. 4:8. 3. The Crown of Glory for the Worker. 1 Peter 5 :4. — Selected. Purposing Without God 1. A selfish purpose. Gen. 27:45. 2. An unstable purpose. Matt. 21:30. 3. A worldly purpose. Luke 12:18. 4. A self-exalting purpose. Isa. 14:13. 5. An avenging purpose. Acts 9:2. 6. A drunken purpose. Dan. 5 :2. 7. A self-aggrandizing purpose. Acts 12: 3,4. — Exchange.

Christ Is AH 1. In Creatjon—Col. 1:16. 2. In Providence—Col. 1 :17. 3. In Redemption—Col. 1 :20-22. 4. In Types—Col. 2:17. 5. In Completeness—Col. 2:10. 6. In the Outward Life—Col. 3 :17-23. 7. In the Future Expectation—Col. 3 :4. — Believer’s Magazine. 1. A Living Hope—1 Pet. 1:3. 2. A Sure Hope—Heb. 6:16. 3. A Blessed Hope—Titus 2 :13. 4. A Confident Hope—Rom. 5 :5. 5. A Rejoicing Hope—Rom. 12:12. 6. A Purifying Hope—1 John 3 :3. 7. A Hope of Glory—Col. 1 :27. 8. A Hope of Victory—1 Thess. S:8. 9. A Hope Overcoming Sorrow— 1 Thess. 4:13. — Believer’s Magazine. — o — Summary of the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” —A child and his Father. “Hallowed be thy name” —A worshiper and his God. “Thy Kingdom come” —A subject and his king. “Thy will be done” —A servant and his sovereign. “Give us"—A beggar and his benefac­ tor. “Forgive us" —A sinner and his Saviour. “Lead us” —A pilgrim and his guide. . — Selected. ¥ —0— New Things From 2 Cor. 5 1. A New Creation (17). 2. A New Righteousness (21). 3. A New Constraint (14). 4. A New Walk (7). _ 5. A New Way of Living (15). 6. A New Knowledge (16). 7. A New Position (20). 11. A New Tribunal (10). 12. A New Confidence (8). 13. A New House or Building (1). 14. A New Foretaste (5). —Charles F. Reitzel. Adapted from Serving-and-Waiting. i - o - Preparedness—in 2 Timothy 1. Ready to Sacrifice (2:3). 2. Ready to Separate (2:4, 21, 22). 3. Ready to Strive (2:5; cf. 24). 4. Ready to Sow (2:6). 5. Ready to Suffer (2:12). 6. Ready to Serve (2:15). 7. Ready to Submit (2:21; cf. 5). 8. Ready to Stand (2:3, 10). 9. Ready for the Crown (4:6-8). — Selected. — o — That Blessed Hope T it u s 2:13 8. A New Employment (20). 9. A New Equipment (19). 10. A New Persuasion (11).

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