King's Business - 1930-06

June 1930


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

trations. Several favorite Psalms are beautifully rendered in poetical form. The book is a splendid one for boys and girls of Junior age, eight to twelve year?. 151 pages. Oxford University Press. Price, $ 1 . 00 . Tales of Modem Missionaries for Young People B y J eanne M. S errell This is a collection of exceptionally vivid biographies dealing with the lives of five pioneer missionaries. They will not fail to grip the hearts of young peo­ ple, especially boys and girls of teen age to whom the book is affectionately dedi­ cated. The style is delightful and refresh­ ing, and holds the reader’s interest throughout. 1,55 pages. Fleming H. Revell Company. Price, $1.50. A winsome little tale, fascinating alike to children and grown-ups. A bishop fresh from a needy mission field, discouraged by the lack of interest in the homeland, is cheered and refreshed by the unselfish re­ sponse of a small boy in his audience who is apparently the only one stirred to action for the cause of “those others.” How Peter sacrificed his much-loved pet, how his action was instrumental in start­ ing a splendid work for God, and how his offering was returned to him with in­ terest, is a story that tugs at the heart­ strings. 48 pages. 6J4x4^ inches. Flem­ ing H. Revell Co. Cloth. — o — Eldwyth’s Choice B y L aura B arter S now In this wholesome story of English life, the heroine is a sweet Christian girl who is called upon to make a choice and to step out blindly by faith, trusting God to care for and guide her. Her beautifully submissive attitude is expressed in her prayer: “Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come I do not fear to see; But I ask Thee for a present mind Intent on pleasing Thee.” Sunday-school teachers, parents and friends who are interested in the spiritual welfare of young women, will do well to place this book in their hands. 320 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Price $1.25. — o — John, the Beloved Disciple, as Told by Himself B y E dward L eigh P ell | This unique little book is a new addi­ tion to a series of stories centering about the lives of Bible characters. It is indeed a valuable contribution to Biblical and English literature. Using present-day lan­ guage, the story is written as though John were living today. It -portrays most vividly the incidents in his life in which he was associated with Christ. The story is most alluring, holding the attention of the reader from beginning to end. 64 pages. Union Press. Cloth. Price $.60. Peter, Bingo, and Those Others B y E dward S eaman



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Trophies From the Missionary Museum B y C lementina B utler Miss Butler is the daughter of one of the founders of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society and is well qualified to write such a volume as this. As a back­ ground she makes use of curios, etc., which are intimately associated with the life of various heathen people, such as the gift bell from Korea, the bien from China, and-the Ganahi cap of India. They serve to depict some of the wrongs which the Gospel alone can right. The book gives useful information and will stir hearts to new missionary zeal and sac­ rifice. It is an excellent book for. use in mission study classes. 91 pages. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.00. Dr. A. Z. Conrad, Pastor of the Park Street Congregational Church, Boston, is a staunch defender of the faith in the heart of New England, the home of every sort of religious innovation. In this vol­ ume he shows that the secret of the Life Sublime is personal fellowship with the glorious living Christ who makes His abode in the believer. The outward reve­ lation of the Life Sublime is. seen in “the fruit of the Spirit” produced by this life within. A chapter is devoted to each of the Christian virtues comprehended in Paul’s analysis of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). In another chapter there is a stirring polemic, which exposes the utter sham of the modern phychology of behaviorism with its “muscle-twitching, gland-oozing” explanation of our acts and with its elimination of our moral respon­ sibility to God. Dr. Conrad has excelled himself as a brilliant writer of striking epigrams in the chapter on the impregnability of the for­ tress of divine revelation, the Bible, against all assaults. It has already been widely quoted in the religious press. 218 pages. Revell. Cloth. Price, $1.50. Tales of a Chinese Carrying Pole Told by a Pole B y F. H. E aston This unique account of travelling and pioneer evangelism in the interior of China gives many interesting and instruc­ tive glimpses into the life and work of an itinerant missionary. The author was born in China, and the book shows his intimate knowledge of the Chinese. His pen pictures are true to life. The reader will also enjoy the rare touches of hu­ mor which brighten many an otherwise drab circumstance. As Rev. W. H. Aldis so truly brings out' in the Foreword,—“The story seems to have two outstanding messages from which there is no escape. The first con­ The Secret of the Life Sublime B y A. Z. C onrad , D.D.

cerns the Gospel of Christ, and its mighty power to transform human lives and lift men and women out of the miry clay of sin. The second message is the need of more laborers.” The book closes with a strong appeal for missionary recruits, young men es­ pecially, who are willing to give their lives for pioneer work in the needy and hitherto untouched regions of China. 132 pages. China Inland Mission, Philadel­ phia. Cloth, $ .75. — o — Herself And Her Boy B y A my L e F euvre Like all of Amy Le Feuvre’s books, “Herself and Her Boy” is a wholesome story of English life. The beauty of a Christian life in its outpouring and out­ flowing to reach others is found in “Her­ self”—when she comes to see that her life without Christ is like “wells without water.” Pickering & Inglis. Price, $1.25. — o — Jesus of Nazareth B y A gnes A dams The story of the life of Jesus is pre­ sented in twenty interesting chapters, adapted to children five to eight years of age. The Lord Jesus Himself, the Friend of little children, is seen in each realistic story. The book is beautifully illustrated with colored plates. 96 pages. Oxford University Press. Price, $2.00. — o — This is a unique collection of well-told stories from the Old and New Testa­ ments, attractively printed on heavy paper in large type. Two maps are furnished, one of Old Testament history and one of Paul’s journeys. There are also eight colored plates and many other good illus­ The Book of The Bible B y D r . J ohn W. F light

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