King's Business - 1930-06

June 1930


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

prevail^ with God, you must go alone. Abraham left Sarah when he plead for Sodom (Gen. 18:22, 23). Moses was by himself at the wilderness bush (Ex. 3:1-5). Joshua was alone when the Lord came to him (Josh. 1:1). Gideon and Jephthah were by themselves when com­ missioned to save Israel (Judg. 6:11; 11: 19). Elijah and Elisha each raised a child from the dead, alone (1 Kings 17: 19; 2 Kings 4:33). Cornelius was praying by himself when the angel came to him (Acts 10:2). No one was with Peter on the house top, when he was instructed to go to the Gentiles (Acts 10:9). John the Baptist was alone in the wilderness (Luke 1:80), and John the Beloved alone in Patmos, when nearest to God (Rev. 1:9). To be alone with God in prayer cannot be overemphasized.— Prac­ tical Portions for the Prayer-Life. — o — July 8—" For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37). Far up in the Alpine hollows, year by year God works one of His marvels. The snow patches lie there, frozen with ice at their edge from the strife of sunny days and frosty nights; and through that ice-crust come, unscathed, flowers that bloom. Back in the days of the by-gone summer, the little Soldanella plant spread its leaves wide and flat on the ground, to drink in the sun rays, and it kept them stored in the root through the winter. Then spring came, and stirred the pulses even below the snow shroud, and as it sprouted, warmth was given out in such strange measure that it thawed a little dome in the snow above its head. Higher and higher it grew and always above it rose the bell of air, till the flower-bud formed safely within i t ; and at last the icy covering of the air-bell gave way and let the blossom through into the sunshine, the crystalline texture of its mauve petals like snow itself as if it bore the traces of the flight through which it had come. And the fragile thing rings an echo in our hearts that none of the jewel-like flowers nestled in the warm turf 'on the slopes below could waken. We love to see the impossible done. And so does God. You do not test the resources of God till you try the impossible. God loves with a great love the man whose heart is burst­ ing with a passion for the impossible.— Streams in the Desert. What then? Shall we sit idly down and say The night hath come; it is no longer day ? Yet as the evening twilight fades away, The sky is filled with stars, invisible to day. — Selected.

Himself; and the Jabbok ford, which we crossed to seek His help, leads to the Peniel, where, as the result of our wrest­ ling, we “see God face to face,” and our lives are preserved. Take this to thyself, O captive, and He will give thee “songs in the night,” and turn for thee the “shadow of death into the morning.”— William Taylor. —o— July 5— “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you” (Josh. 1:3). True faith expresses itself in action. It reaches the soles of our feet, and steps out in actual movements that prove its reality and sincerity. “It shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jor­ dan shall be cut off.” Their faith was not only active but persistent. They continued to go through the whole testing until their faith was thoroughly proved and finally triumphant. So our faith must ever step out and claim its blessing until it fully re­ ceives it. Have you, beloved, been long­ ing for some answer to your prayer? Take one of God’s unfailing promises, and step out boldly upon it, keep your hold through all the testing days. Praise Him for the answer before you see it, for remember, faith is something that you do not see or feel. There will come a moment when faith will be answered and “you shall have.” It is yours to reckon your prayers answered, and God’s to make your reckoning real. — Selected. If thou waitest, truly praying, On God’s truth, from day to day; For we know that our believing Is/the measure of receiving,— ■Tis God’s own appointed way. July 6— “We are laborers together with God” (1 Cor. 3:9). “Behold, I send you forth” (Luke 10: 3 ). We cry often to God to work, when it is for us to work first. We cry to Him to unleash His power, when it is for us first to do all in our power, by prayer and con­ fession, to put away sin from our hearts and our churches; to lay aside the weights we so often carry; to abandon all unholy alliances with the world, and to live more like the pilgrims and strangers we are called to be, to show more signs of spir­ itual life in the midst of spiritual death. The fault can be only with us, for after eighteen centuries the Saviour’s power is still undiminished, His luster is undim­ med, His love is undaunted.— Dr. North- cote Deck. —o— July 7— “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking o f the day” (Gen. 32:24). There are times when, if you would

«AFRICA INLAND MISSION gSS^j H e ad q u a rte rs 373 C arlto n Ave., B rooklyn, N . Y . i L ong cen tu ries h av e elapsed s i n c e i C alv ary b u t A frica still lies u n d er a pall i of m id n ig h t b lack n ess, a n d cru el crim es ( ) a tte n d its devil w orship. ) T h an k G od fo r th e ch an g es w hich th e i > G ospel of g race, p reach ed b y m ission- i ) aries, h as m ade in p laces w here g ro u p s i I of dev o ted C h ristia n s a re w itn essin g to i ) th e pow er of th e blood. B u t th e o th e r i | n in ety p er cen t of its one h uiidred a n d i fifty m illion souls— “H ow sh all th e y h e ar i | w ith o u t a preacher?** §8®SPRAY FOR DARK AFRICAgg®^ PROPHECY A n a c c u ra te S c rip tu ra l stu d y . T ra c in g th e M essiah th ro u g h th e O ld a n d New T estam en ts. S ho u ld b e in th e h an d s of ev ery Bible loving C h ristia n . S E N T FREE . W rite to Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 2248 W e stc h e ste r A venue, N ew Y o rk C ity Greeting Cards for All Occasions l f r r n :n T n i i r h with your sick, sorrow- N € e p m l o u c n lngi shut. ln friends with suitable Greeting Cards. Keep a supply on hand for Personal or Organization use. Scripture Text Cards a specialty. My “First Aid K it" of appropriate greetings, value ONE DOLLAR, will be sent ON APPROVAL, on request. Ask for MONEY MAKING PLANS and Catalog. Excellent profit—No investment necessary; In lan d A frica an d o th e r lite ra tu re se n t free on req u est. A superior new song book for m eetings, Sunday Schools, and general use. B est of th e old and new hym ns. Priced low. $10 p er 100, not prepaid; single copy, 15c > postpaid. Send us 25c and we will m ail you two books. Revival Gems Nos. 2 and 3. (Round o r s h a p e n o t e s . ) SAM UEL W . B EA ZLEY & SON 3807 A rm itag e A ve., CHICAGO, IL L . DAISY FLY KILLER Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and cheap. Lasts all sea­ son. Made of metal, can’t spill or tip oyer; will not soil or injure anything. ^ Guaranteed. Insist upon DAISY FLY •KILLER from your dealer. H A R O L D S O M E R S . B R O O K L Y N . N . Y .

NOW READY—Special Offers on Boxed Christ­ mas Cards with Christian Sentiments—Good for June and July only. Mrs. L. F. Pease, « « I P ' K R EV IV A L GEM S N o . 3 — 1 0 c Though the answer seem delaying, Doubt Him not, but trust Him still; Nearer to Him press and nearer, Thou wilt find His way grows dearer, And His will becomes thy will. Oh, the joy of trusting wholly, Looking upward, resting solely


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