King's Business - 1930-06


YOU PROVIDE A SURE INCOME FOR YOUR OLDER DAYS Y OU kill tw o b ird s w ith one sto n e w h en you p la c e m o n ey in th e B ible A n n u ity B o n d s o f New Y o rk B ible Society. F irst, you p ro v id e fo r you rse lf a d e p e n d a b le incom e fo r th e re st of y o u r life. S econd , you tak e p a rt in th e g re a t w o rk of th e S ociety in d is­ trib u tin g G o d ’s W o rd . AS HIGH AS 9% These Bible Annuity Bonds pay you more than most ¡sáfe commercial investments. They yield from- 4% to 9%, depending on your age. And unlike most Other investments, they require no attention. The rate can never fluctuate. Even if you lose the bonds them­ selves, your income continues just the same; Every six months, year after year, as long as you live, the mail man brings you a check for the. same depend­ able amount. Your money- is kept in your name as a distinct fund in perpetuity. When you no longer have need ■for the income, it will be devoted to the Society’s work of Bible distribution. The principal will never be spent. It will go on forever yielding interest which will be used in winning people to Christ through the reading of God’s Word. 5 E a s t 4 8 th S tree t, D ept. 37, N ew Y ork, N. Y. P lease send m e a copy of y o u r booklet “ A T ru ly C h ristian In v est- ■ m en t” w hich d escrib es in full y o u r B ible A n n u ity B onds. T h is I p laces m e u n d er no obligation. N am e..................................................................................................................... A ge............. I I A d d ress.......................... ................................■ C ity ........................................................................................................... S ta te ........................ □ K indly use th e enclosed $........................ to bu y B ibles fo r th o se w ho so rely need th e help of G od’s W ord. N EW Y O R K BIBLE SOC IETY

For 121 years—since 1809—the New York Bible Society has been active giving the Gospel to those who sorely need its guidance and comfort—blind folk too poor to buy an expensive raised-type Bible —forgotten sick people in the public wards of hos­ pitals—forlorn men and women in prisons-^poverty- stricken families in the great slums—bewildered im­ migrants in a vast city and country—lonely sailors far-from -home and friends. Last year the Society distributed almost a million Bibles, Testaments and Bible portions. Great as its work has been, never has the Society had enough funds to meet all of its opportunities for doing good. Always it has been necessary to curtail and limit its activities in providing the Scriptures for those in need of solace, inspiration and guidance. The Society’s Bible Annuity Bonds give you an opportunity to ;share in this vital work at the same time that you assure yourself a dependable income. As-you receive as high as 9% with absolute safety- you can have the same satisfaction as the bond holder who recently wrote: “I am convinced'there is no better way of reaching lost souls and those, in need of comfort than through the distribution of the Gospel.” Mail Coupon for Free Booklet Without obligating you in the least, an interesting, illustrated booklet entitled “A Truly Christian In­ vestment” will be sent you. Simply fill in and mail the coupon today.

C om m issioner of Im m i­ g ratio n , B enj. M. D ay, w ro te: “T he value of y o u r w ork of m in istry and service is im m eas­ u rab le, d eserv in g of th e com m endation of a l l rig h t th in k in g people.” An Im m ig ran t s a i d : “The only lan g u ag e I know is R ussian. W ith th is G ospel in R ussian an d E nglish parallel, I can learn th e language of m y new c o u n try .” T he G overnor of a g re a t s ta te w ro te: “T he w ork y o u r o rg an izatio n has d o n e in d istrib u tin g B ibles to all th e p eo ­ ples h a s ad d ed n o t only to th e religious, life of th e ind iv id u als benefit- ,'ted b u t h as also been m a te ria l c o n trib u tio n to w brld p ro g ress.” F rom a P riso n e r: “ I ex­ p e c t to leave h ere in tw o m o n th s an d I shall ta k e th e B ible along w ith m e a n d c a rry it w h erev er I go.” A H o sp ital P a tie n t: “ I h ad n ev er read th e B i­ ble u n til yo u g av e m e th e G ospel of St. M ark. Since th en , I read th e B ible every d ay .”

If You Want to Help but Have No Money to Invest- If you want to take part in the Society’s work of distributing Bibles but cannot place as much as $100 in an Annuity Bond, you can make a direct contribution of any amount you wish. Every dollar you give will be used immediately in providing Bibles, for the needy. $5 will buy S00 single Gospels or 50 New Testaments or 10 complete Bibles. $46 will buy a complete Bible in raised type for some discouraged blind person who can read only with his fingers. The coupon on the left is for your conve­ nience in sending what you can.


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