
Real Estate Journal — January 26 - February 8, 2018 — Inside back Cover A


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M id A tlantic

D elaware S tatutory T rust

P aving & E xcavating

C apital M arket S olutions

Kenilworth Capital Advirsors, LLC 48 Wall Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10005 www.knwcap.com

Commercial & Industrial Milling • Paving • Sitework Construction GERALD J. GIORDANO President

George Stergiopoulos, Principal gs@knwcap.com | P: 646-416-6403 Marshall D. Berman, Principal mberman@knwcap.com|P: 646-416-6680 Robert Aydin, Orginator, Northern NJ raydin@knwcap.com | P: 646-416-6688

675 Rahway Avenue Union, New Jersey 07083

Tel: (908) 687-4400 Fax: (908) 687-4401

www.hillcrestpaving.com Estimating@hillcrestpaving.com

P rofessional R eal E state S ervices Investors Real Estate Agency 322 Ambrust Rd. • 2nd Floor Youngwood, PA 15697 P: 724-925-0215 F: 724-925-0216 mallison5@aol.com Mark D. Allison, Broker of Record/Owner Investors Real Estate Agency

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