4B — January 26 - February 8, 2018 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
O wners , D evelopers & M anagers By Frank Brockerhoff, Brockerhoff Environmental Services LLC What is a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP)?
Licensed Site Reme- diation Professional (LSRP) is an experi-
of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) rules and regula- tions. Each LSRP is required to maintain their license by attending courses on various subjects including regulatory, technical and ethics topics. An LSRP facilitates completion of the remediation process by working directly with the RP and eliminating red tape, which was typically not the case when Sites were overseen by NJDEP. Similar programs in Massa- chusetts and Connecticut have been in place for a number of years and have successfully demonstrated expedited clean- ups of contaminated Sites.
In 2009, the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) went into effect and resulted in signifi- cant changes to the NJDEP’s Site Remediation Program. Perhaps the greatest change was the establishment of the LSRP Program which trans- fers the primary oversight responsibility of contaminat- ed Sites from the NJDEP to LSRPs. LSRPs are overseen by a LSRP Licensing Board, which is responsible for licensing and auditing the performance of LSRPs. SRRA also outlined a code of conduct which includes a requirement that an LSRP’s overall highest priority is the
protection of public health and the environment. As of May 7, 2012, with lim- ited exceptions, all remedial ac- tivities conducted in the State of New Jersey, are to proceed under the supervision of a LSRP. LSRPs work with RPs to achieve key milestones within defined timeframes, such as completing a Site Investigation or Remedial Investigation, and implementing a Remedial Ac- tion and submitting documents to the NJDEP. Ultimately, however, it is the RP’s responsi- bility to meet their affirmative obligations with the NJDEP. Upon achieving all applicable
Paramount Assets adds Caryl Communication as media correspondent ELIZABETH, NJ — Ca- ryl Communications Inc. announced its appointment as media correspondent for Paramount Assets , a family- owned, regional, full-service real estate investment firm specializing in urban prop- erty ownership, management and development. The firm’s rapidly expanding portfolio currently includes 2.5 million s/f of commercial, multifamily and mixed-use holdings in- volving 200 properties across 25 New Jersey municipalities – including a notably growing foothold in the City of Newark. The company’s rapidly ex- panding portfolio currently includes 2.5 million s/f of commercial, multifamily and mixed-use holdings involv- ing 225 properties across 25 New Jersey municipalities – including a notably grow- ing foothold in the City of Newark. n site remediation requirements, the LSRP issues a Response Action Outcome (RAO) that effectively replaces the No Fur- ther Action (NFA) letter previ- ously issued by the NJDEP. If the RAO includes the use of institutional or engineering controls to ensure protection of public health and the envi- ronment, the LSRP issues a restricted use RAO and will re- main involved in any required post-RAO monitoring and sub- mittals. If all remediation stan- dards have been achieved and no institutional or engineering controls are deemed necessary, then an unrestricted use RAO is issued and environmental work at the Site or area of con- cern is deemed to be complete. Selection of the correct LSRP is critical to establishing a cost effective and efficient reme- dial strategy. Therefore, a RP should thoroughly evaluate who they select to fulfill this important role. Frank Brockerhoff is the owner and principal of Brockerhoff Environ- mental Services LLC in Washington, NJ. Brocker- hoff provides due diligence evaluation, environmental consulting, and remediation services. n
enced envi- r o nme n t a l c on s u l t an t w h o h a s completed a rigorous ap- plication and exam process to be licensed by the State
Frank Brockerhoff
of New Jersey. LSRPs are hired by Responsible Parties (RPs) to direct environmental investigations and remedial ac- tions in accordance with appli- cable New Jersey Department
Brockerhoff Environmental Services LLC Environmental Consulting and Remediation Brockerhoff Environmental Services LLC Environmental Consulting and Remediation CELEBRATING 10 Y OF SERVICE 2007-2017 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Phase II Subsurface Site Investigations Regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) Services Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) Compliance New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Soil and Groundwater Investigations New Jersey Child Care Preliminary Assessments Remediation Services Call or Email Us: Frank Brockerhoff, LSRP frank@brockerhoffllc.com Sean Clifford, LSRP seanc@brockerhoffllc.com Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Phase II Subsurface Site Investigations Underground Storage Tank (UST) Services New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) Compliance New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Services Soil and Groundwater Investigations NJ Child Car Preliminary Assessments Remediation Services Call or Email Us: Frank Brockerhoff, LSRP frank@brockerhoffllc.com Sean Clifford, LSRP seanc@brockerhoffllc.com Amy Lopez, LSRP amyl@brockerhoffllc.com (908) 689-4300 or (908) 763-8560 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF SERVICE 2007-2017 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Phase II Subsurface Site Investigations Regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) Services Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) Compliance New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Soil and Groundwater Investigations New Jersey Child Care Preliminary Assessments Remediation Services Call or Email Us: Frank Brockerhoff, LSRP frank@brockerhoffllc.com Sean Clifford, LSRP seanc@brockerhoffllc.com Amy Lopez, LSRP amyl@brockerhoffllc.com (908) 689-4300 or (908) 763-8560
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