Real Estate Journal — ODM — Property Management— January 26 - February 8, 2018 — 9B
M id A tlantic
P roperty M anagement
US Top-50 NACC- and MBE-certified fenestration/glazing/building performance firm Graboyes Commercial hires Lou Filippone as business development manager
ha s j o i ned G r a b o y e s C o mm e r - cialWindow C o mp a n y and Graboy- e s Sma r t Bu i l d i ngs as business development T
manager. He will work with building owners, architects, and engineers to support and assist them in creating and maintaining high performance buildings through the com- mercial window, architectural glazing, and smart building services provided by Graboyes. “We are thrilled to welcome Lou to Graboyes,” said owner / president Ellis Guiles . “He is a strong addition to our team bringing far-reaching relation- ships in the building owner, architectural design, and en- gineering communities in the Greater Philadelphia area.” Filippone has an extensive
background in sales, service, and project management in the construction industry including HVAC, multifamily, and com- mercial construction. He most recently worked for Hutchinson Plumbing Heating and Cooling in Cherry Hill and before that served as general manager for SILA. Filippone is a graduate of Bloomsburg University with a BA in English literature. Graboyes Commercial Win- dow Company, a US Top-50 NACC- and MBE-certified fenestration/glazing/building performance firm, has served the built environment of Great- er Philadelphia and the sur-
rounding region for 34 years. A leader in commercial / archi- tectural window replacement, the company provides window system solutions; interior glass partitions; unitized and timber- frame curtainwall solutions; high-performance storefront solutions; and exterior and in- terior commercial window cov- erings and automated controls. From design to installation, Graboyes Commercial works with architects, developers, building owners, construction managers, energy companies, and general contractors install- ing systems in retrofit, historic restoration, new construction,
and high-rise renovation ap- plications. Specialties include occupied spaces and white- glove service. With the addition of its Smart Buildings division, the firm also provides tools and expertise to apply critical intelligence about the operation of other important building systems, such as HVAC and lighting. As an extension of an owner’s facility management team, it provides automated building performance data, analysis, and guidance for smarter, more optimized building opera- tion and increased real estate value. n
Lou Filippone LevinManagement: Fitness chains remain among the most active retail tenant categories NORTH PLAINFIELD, NJ — As Americans’ focus on getting and staying in shape continues to gain momentum, fitness chains in a range of price points and sizes remain among the most active tenant categories leasing retail space, according to Levin Manage- ment Corporation (LMC) . Illustrating this trend, the commercial real estate services firm reports new gym leases and openings totaling just over 85,000 s/f throughout its portfo- lio during the past 18 months. “With New Year resolutions for healthy lifestyles on ev- eryone’s mind, this is a good time to reflect on the vital role fitness tenants are playing in shopping center tenant mix,” said Matthew Harding , LMC president. “They have become sought-after center staples and are significant traffic drivers, which benefits their co-ten- ants. Gyms also are wonder- ful neighborhood amenities, providing consumers with a convenient and cost-effective way to achieve their health and fitness goals.” Much of the LMC’s fitness chain leasing activity involves growing national brands look- ing to expand their presence in the Northeast marketplace. Most recently, in Dec., 24 Hour Fitness opened at Post Road Plaza in the Village of Pel- ham Manor, NY. In NJ, The Zoo Health Club and THE MAX Challenge are gearing up for early 2018 openings at Somerset Shopping Center in Bridgewater and Blue Star SC in Watchung, respectively. Other recent additions include Orangetheory Fitness at Brad- ford Plaza inWest Chester, PA, and Crunch Fitness at Rutgers Plaza in Franklin Twp., NJ. n
A division of Graboyes Commercial Window Company Helping clients move to predictive maintenance and continuous commissioning.
• O f f e r i n g MB E - c e r t i f i ed enve l ope a nd b u i l d i n g p e r f o rma n c e ex p e r t i s e . • C on t r i bu t i n g t o t h e r e g i on ’ s wo r l d - c l a s s bu i l t env i r onmen t f o r mo r e t h a n 34 y e a r s . • P r oud s pon s o r o f t h e P h i l a de l ph i a 20 3 0 D i s t r i c t .
215 . 625 . 8810 Graboyes . com Learn more at G r a boye s . c om The Navy Yard / 4050 South 26 th S t r ee t Phi l ade lphi a , PA 19112 / 215 - 625 - 8810
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