

Russell curlers rock 100 years of fun for their sport

“Very good turnout,” reported Roger GosselinandDarleneHallBarrette,curling clubrepresentatives. Takingtheoverallgrandchampionaward at the end of the night was the rink of Ryan and Kim Furuness and Dale and Kim Williams. ribbon-cuttingceremony,presidedoverby the mayor of Russell Township, a high- ranking representative from the Canadian CurlingAssociation,andseveralveteranlocal curlers, the 32 rinks registered spent the night running up the ice in between socializing and enjoying themusic of Funk Factor inside the club lounge.


RUSSELL|Acentennialanniversaryisa bigeventonanyone’scalendar. SonosurprisethatRussell’scurlersletthe goodtimesrockandrollinabigwayoverthe last weekend of January as they celebrated the 100 th birthday of their local club with a big bonspiel bash on Saturday night. The fun began in true curling tradition with the piping in of the rinks, courtesy of bagpiper Kyle McKentyre, performing the classic “Bonnie Dundee”. Following the

A100 th anniversarybonspielratessomespecialattentiontotheopeningceremony. Sharing the ribbon-cutting duties are (left) Bill Malenhorst, one of the senior membersoftheRussellCurlingClub,MayorJean-PaulSt.Pierre,JohnCull,interim club president, Jim Campbell, Canadian Curling Association board of governors vice-chairman, Jim Sullivan, senior curler withmore than 60 years in the Russell club, and Dave Chapman, a club member for more than 40 years. photo submitted

SkipJohnCulllauncheshisfirststoneofalate-nightmatchSaturdaynightduring theRussell CurlingClub’s 100 th anniversary bonspiel. In-between rocks, Cull also helped instruct somenewcurlers on the opposing rinkon their sweep-and-throw techniques. photo Gregg Chamberlain

Le cabinet Charron Langlois est fier d’accueillir M e Pierre R. Lamoureux, réputé avocat de la région, au sein de son équipe. M e Lamoureux se fera un plaisir de vous servir à partir du nouveau bureau d’Ottawa.

Maintenant 4 bureaux pour vous servir : Rockland Alfred Hawkesbury 613 446-6411 613 679-7648 613 632-8600 et maintenant Ottawa, 645, ch. Montréal, 613 745-9446

photo submitted MayorJean-PaulSt.Pierregetstocast the first stone to get things rolling on the rink for the Russell Curling Club’s 100 th AnniversaryBonspielovertheJan. 28 weekend.

Charron Langlois Votre cabinet juridique francophone dans l’Est ontarien otre c i t j i i i

L’Auberge des Draveurs aimerait remercier tous les commanditaires du concours ‘‘Gagnez une soirée enchantée’’ publié la semaine dernière. Bonne chance à tous les participants. L’Auberge des Draveurs would like to thank all the sponsors of the ‘‘Win an Enchanting Evening’’ contest published in last week’s edition. Good luck to all participants. Remerciements / Thank You

Boutique Joma 

Les gourmandises Caprines 

Fleuriste Embrun 

First Choice Haircutters

No Frills 

Country Living Dog Resort  Sophistica Esthétique 

Au Poirier 

Le loup Gourmand

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