

Counties recoup $1.6 million

the market suffered a meltdown with issuers of commercial paper notes defaulting on payments. In 2009, an Ontario court decision resulted in a new agreement for commercial paper holders, with a maturity date of July 2056. With the sale of the notes, the counties, which hadmade provisions for the loss in previous years, are left with a surplus of $1,640,640, which will be listed as such in the financial report for 2011. “Given the global financial crisis raging in recent years, the CAO decided to sell investments quickly while they still had some worth and reinvest in products that aresaferandwaitforthe2056maturity dat Thesemeasures will allow the corporation to regain control of its monies before the expectedmaturity andmitigate losses on this high risk repayment,” Parisien writes in a report to council.


L'ORIGNAL | “This is excellent news,” Prescott-Russell united counties chief administrativeofficerStéphaneParisien said of a recent and pleasant change of fortunesfortheregionalgovernment. The counties have managed to net $1.6 million on an investment that could have cost taxpayers more than $2.4 million. InNovember,Parisiensold“commercial paper” for the sum of $1,650,640. In 2007, the counties had expected it would lose $2,484,187 on the investment notes. “We thought we might lose it all. But we have been able to recover two-thirds of our investment,” Parisien told a recent council session. In 2007, the counties invested in asset- backedcommercialpaper.Thatsameyear,

L'ORIGNAL | Les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russellcontribuent30 000$à l’AgencedesServicescommunautaires dePrescott-Russell. Lasomme,lemêmemontantqu’accordé en 2011, aidera l’organisme à continuer d’offrir des services de « Maintien à domicile »pouraînésetadulteshandicapés. Chaque année, l’agence doit ramasser des fonds de différentes sources afin de Contribution de 30 000 $ des comtés unis couvrir30pourcentdesonbudgetannuel, soit100 000$,expliqueledirecteurgénéral, André Bruneau. La balance des dépenses est défrayée par le gouvernement de l’Ontario. Danssademanded’appuifinancieraux comtés, M. Bruneau a souligné que l’organisationapudesserviràlagrandeur dePrescott-Russell,2 509clients.

BUSINESS HOURS / HEURES D’AFFAIRES: Monday /Lundi : 7:30a.m. -5:00p.m. • Tuesday /Mardi : 7:30a.m. -8:30p.m. Wednesday /Mercredi : 7:30a.m. -8:30p.m. • Thursday / Jeudi : 7:30a.m. -8:30p.m. Friday /Vendredi : 7:30a.m. -5:00p.m. • Saturday /Samedi : 8:00a.m. -midi /noon


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