RLT Booklet.pdf


Are There Any Other Side Effects I Need to Be Aware Of?

As explained in the previous section, Radioligand Therapy (RLT) can affect parts of your body other than the tumour. In particular, it can impact your full blood count (bone marrow), liver, and kidneys; however, these will all be carefully monitored throughout the treatment.

Blood Count

Anaemia can occur, which may worsen fatigue if it doesn’t resolve or is not corrected. A temporary reduction in platelets may also happen; however, the effect on white blood cells is usually less significant than that seen with other anti- cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy, and neutropenia is uncommon. Very rarely, in less than 3% (3 in 100 people), damage to blood cells can be permanent, potentially leading to blood disorders, including blood cancer (e.g., leukaemia).

Altered Liver Function

Your liver function may be temporarily affected by RLT due to an inflammatory response. This will be monitored before and after treatment. In clinical studies, less than 1% (1 in 100) of people with neuroendocrine tumours experienced long- term or severely reduced liver function because of RLT.

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