RLT Booklet.pdf


Pre-Treatment Considerations:

After each dose of RLT, radiation may be detectable in body fluids, such as urine and faeces, for up to 30 days. You may be advised to: Use the toilet in a seated position, even for men, and use toilet paper each time. Double-flush the toilet with the lid down after you have used it. Wash your hands every time you use the toilet. Sinks should be rinsed before and after hand-washing. Use a separate toilet from the rest of your household, if you have access to more than one toilet where you live. If you need toileting assistance, your carer should wear disposable gloves, especially for the first few days after treatment. This applies when cleaning up any vomit, blood, urine, or faeces. RLT may affect fertility and intimate relationships. Sexual activity should be avoided following RLT for up to 7 days. This is because, as mentioned above, there is a possibility that traces of radiation may be present in body fluids during and after treatment; these fluids include sperm, vaginal secretions, and blood. The radiation administered during RLT may be absorbed by the testes and ovaries, which can have a temporary or permanent impact on your ability to have children. Talk to your medical team about fertility-preserving treatment before agreeing to RLT. As previously mentioned, RLT during pregnancy is to be avoided. Therefore, even though reduced fertility is a potential risk of RLT, you will be advised against pregnancy during RLT and for up to a year after it has completed. Effective barrier method contraception is recommended during treatment and for up to 6-12 months after treatment is completed. Even if pregnancy is not a consideration for you, using barrier method contraception during sexual contact is advised during and for at least 3 months after RLT treatment.

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