RLT Booklet.pdf


What Happens on the Day and Afterwards?

Each hospital will have its own arrangements for administering and following up on Radioligand Therapy (RLT). However, they will also adhere to recommended safety guidelines and protocols. Some hospitals will arrange RLT as a day-case procedure, while others may admit you for a day or two; this decision will be based on hospital policies and individual case assessments.

All tests and their results will have been reviewed to ensure that it is safe to proceed with treatment.

The radioligand will be checked to ensure it is safe to administer.

On the Day of Treatment

Once you have been checked to ensure you are well enough to proceed with treatment, your consent for the treatment should be re-confirmed.

You may be offered an anti-sickness medication, usually about half an hour before treatment starts.

You may have two cannulas inserted: one for the amino acid infusion (to protect your kidneys) and one for the RLT infusion (the active treatment). The amino acid infusion will be started first and will usually run for at least 30 minutes before the RLT infusion begins.

The RLT infusion will run for 30 to 45 minutes.

The amino acid infusion will continue during the RLT administration and will also run for three to eight hours after the RLT infusion is completed (the duration may depend on your kidney function and whether you have Carcinoid Heart Disease, or not).

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