the Orinoco River Mission, we were in station work for fifteen years, pastor- ing churches but always trying to pre pare others to take over. Then we trav elled for a couple of years, holding short Bible and training classes in the cen ters. These were fruitful years and saw a change in several congregations due to the better preparation of a few of the leaders. This prepared the way for an organized Bible Institute, where some of those who had received a taste of Bible training in the “ cursillos,” and others who made decisions for the dedication of their lives to the Lord’s . service at the church conventions, could come and get their training. God blessed the Insti tute and it is still being used for His glory. After ten years directing this Bible training center, the Mission and the nationals began to request corre spondence courses for those who needed and wanted Bible instruction, but who could not attend the Institute. The Lord of the Harvest was also working in the Voice of the Andes, al though independently. For years they had been sensing a lack in the over-all program—something stabilizing should be done to follow up more consistently the evangelistic messages given over the air and in campaigns where there was no resident missionary. Also the di rector and co-founder, Dr. Clarence W. Jones, made a trip though South Amer ica in the interests of missionary radio. In many places workers asked him where they could secure a sound cor respondence course in Bible study. He found that false teaching was being spread abroad through the Voice of Prophecy broadcasts and correspondence schools. He became convinced that Radio Station HCJB should maintain an ag gressive Bible teaching ministry on the air and through the mails. The trustees agreed, but after three years of trying to get something started by those who already had their hands full, Dr. Alan H. Hamilton was called to dedicate all of his time to the founding of the Bible Institute of the Air. He did his work well, getting things organized and off to a flying start. While in the United States on fur lough, we heard of this new project of HCJB and immediately saw the possi bilities of accomplishing, under almost ideal conditions and with a greater out reach, the same work that had been as signed to us. It was evident that by uniting our efforts duplication of time, labor and funds would be avoided. The Orinoco River Mission graciously co operated, and upon the resignation of Dr. Hamilton, we were asked to take over the department. By mutual agree ment, we joined the World Radio Mis sionary Fellowship, Inc., which owns and operates the Voice of the Andes. God was in it. His Spirit had been working through the years to bring about the establishing of the Bible Institute of the Air. Our plan of not translating, but writ ing the lessons directly in Spanish, and with the aim of helping those workers Page Ten
A portion of the grounds and some of the buildings at the headquarters of Radio Station HCJB (Heralding Christ Jesus’ Blessings), The Voice of the Andes, Quito, Ecuador. The great new project for this work is the completion of two 50,000 watt transmitters now in process of construction which will enable this station to broad cast the gospel to the whole world.
who have the responsibilities of a con gregation or group but have never had any Bible training, makes experience in the ministry in Latin America and a thorough knowledge of the language im perative to those who prepare the courses. Interdenominational in scope, the lessons give positive Christ-honoring messages, and help the student see that He is the Key to the Scriptures. We try to avoid giving only “predigested food,” endeavoring especially in the examina tions to make the student do his own thinking. The combination of the written les sons sent by mail and the spoken word over the air, is a sound method of teach ing. The two greatest mediums of in struction are utilized, the eye-gate and the ear-gate. Since the Bible Institute of the Air fulfills an urgent need, a strong motivation is already provided, prompt ing the listener to solicit the courses and proceed to the securing of the cer tificate. He wants avidly to hear. He wants to know. He needs this instruc tion. Bible study is useful and attrac tive to all Christians for it has to do with our every day life here as well as life hereafter. To the workers en deavoring to lead forward a group of fellow believers in spiritual things, it is not only desirable but imperative. He wants practical instruction, and his heart is wide open to receive it. He must learn more about how to serve God. Once we heard these words, “ Since our pastor began studying your courses, we get so much more meat in the ser mons.” In Spain, where neither a Bible In stitute nor a Seminary is permitted, over four hundred are studying the courses with the Bible Institute of the Air. Their letters of appreciation for this instruction are outstanding. Some of them listen at midnight to the In stitute broadcasts which can be heard at
that hour. The authorities can arrest no one, for no one is there. At present five of the more than twenty courses planned are in print. These include: the Preliminary Course, two courses on Introduction to the Old Testament and one to the New Testa ment, which are also synthetic studies, and Principles of Christian Education. Funds have just made it possible to send the Life of Christ course to the press. Courses being prepared are: Exposition of Romans, Acts, Hebrews; Bible Geog raphy and Child Evangelism. Courses to be available in the future embrace sev eral Book Expositions, Doctrines, Per sonal and Mass Evangelism, Teaching Methods, etc. Not only is HCJB facing expansion but the Bible Institute of the Air sees new horizons opening up before it too. The original thought in our finite minds was to meet only the need of the Span ish-speaking people, but the Lord of the Harvest saw the need of the nations. He commanded, “ Go ye therefore, and TEACH all nations . . . TEACHING them to observe all things whatsoeve I have commanded you . . .” At the radio broadcasting station where the foreign language department is vital in the world vision outreach, there is an urgent call for the translation of these courses into those languages used. They are already being translated into Por tuguese and French. As soon as the Russian staff is increased they hope to do the same. Just a few weeks ago we met an evangelist who holds ten cam paigns every summer in Germany. He said that there is a great need for just this type of studies there, and he knows of nothing of its kind in that land. Thus, before the curriculum of the Bible In stitute of the Air for the Spanish speaking people is finished, the outreach to many of the “ All Nations” is looming large on our horizon. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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