King's Business - 1953-03


PRODIGAL ROGER (Continued from Page 22)

EVEN A CHILD (Continued from Page 2U)


Gospel rested. Picking it up, she began reading. The words gripped her from the first. On and on she read the wonderful story of a wonderful Saviour. Finally she laid the little book down with a sigh that expressed the deep longing of her heart to know more about Him. Sitting alone in the quietness of her home, she found that the marvelous words she had been reading kept flashing through her mind. The Holy Spirit was performing His own work of conviction. “ Ye must be born again . . How strange these words seemed! What did they mean? Like Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night, she wondered how anybody could be “ born again.” “ For God so loved the world . . .” and “ Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” were precious portions which passed again and again through her mind. “ The sin of the world”—ah, could “the world” include her? Yes, she knew that she was a sinner, but could this wonderful One take away her sin? How could she get Him to do it—this was the question that now confronted her. “He that heareth my word, and helieveth on him that sent me, hath ever- asting life,” was the answer that the little red book gave. Suddenly, she knew that she wanted this “ everlasting life,” wanted it more than anything else in the whole world. But how did one “be­ lieve?” And then she remembered Jimmie and his polite invitation to the mission. “ I’ll go,” she said to herself, “ and see what it’s all about.” The opening night of the mission found Jimmie seated with the other children on a front seat. Soon his eyes grew wide with astonishment when he saw a certain woman enter and j;ake a seat also near the front, for she was none other than the one who had so unkindly received his invitation of the day before. But he was even more amazed when later, at the close of the meeting, he saw this same lady, in response to the pas­ tor’s invitation, go forward for prayer. And if Jimmie had not been so tired and sleepy at the close of the service, he would have seen a yet more wonderful sight—the woman arising from her knees and walking out, a “new creature” in Christ Jesus. The expression on her face was changed; joy and happiness replaced the hardness and callousness of the day before. She had turned her eyes toward Calvary and had seen the Lord Jesus there, bearing her sins. Walking home, unmindful of anyone else except Him, her new-found Saviour, she sang softly again and again in her heart, “ One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.” And the angels rejoiced around God’s throne—a soul had been born again and the heavenly record showed that a little boy named Jimmie had won that soul for Him!

But after a few years the wanderlust had him again. He bought a ticket for : a boat trip up the great Magdalena ; River, packed his suitcase, and set out to seek further adventure. There was still plenty of time to settle down when I he was ready. From then on, however, things didn’t go so well. Somewhere along the line Roger was neatly relieved of his extra clothes, his suitcase, his money. Now he was completely destitute. Then, like a flash from a half-forgotten past, he real- | ized that he was not far from home. “And that’s it. Mother,” he finished. “ I’m home, and broke.” It was hard for doña Maria to pic­ ture her own son selling lottery tickets, living like a man of the world, traveling and owning nice things. She had no idea how deeply he had gone into sin. It was enough that he was home again, her own prodigal son, and that she had a new opportunity to lead him to Christ. At the very first opportunity, her face beaming, doña Maria took Roger to church. When the missionary announced that another young people’s conference was to be held soon, she watched his "e'tction closely. He was observing the other young people curiously, and noting their eager faces. Would he—yes, he would like to go! She discussed it eagerly with the two kind missionaries. Could Roger possibly go even though there was no money to pay his way? Miss Orella knew how much it meant to doña Maria, and she also knew that Roger was an intelligent boy who had real possibilities for the Lord. “ I’ll pay his expenses,” she said graciously. By the time the conference began, Roger was already somewhat interested in the gospel. But it was there that he made his definite profession of faith. In a testimony meeting, he declared seriously that the most important thing that had ever happened to him was his decision for Christ, and the new life he now had in Him. Another conference was scheduled for the next week. At the last minute the missionaries arranged for Roger to stay over, so that he could absorb as much spiritual help as possible in his early Christian experience. By the time he went back home, Roger was well grounded in his new way of life, and was a completely changed young man. Little sister Rita was still as inde­ pendent as ever, but doña Maria knew now that God would answer her prayers in His own good time. From then on, she awakened every morning with a song in her heart. The missionaries’ clothes were washed and ironed more beautifully than ever. For that, you see, was doña Maria’s own particular way of express­ ing her gratitude to the God who had I saved her soul—and her prodigal son.



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