King's Business - 1953-03

His disciples into all the world (v. 19). Their mission is clear: (1) they are to win converts; (2) they are to baptize these converts; (3) they are to train by teaching. As the Son of God promises His presence with His followers as long as this age shall last (v. 20). Because He arose from the dead we know that others shall also rise. Christ has become the firstfruits of all believers who shall share in His glorious resur­ rection as they have shared in His re­ demptive work. Study the following passages and discuss them in your meet­ ings. (John 5:28,29; 1 Cor. 15:20-58; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:1-15.) April 12, 1953 THE RETURNING SAVIOUR John 14:2, 18-23; Rev. 21:1 The Bible is full of the second coming of Christ. The old Testament depicts in glowing terms the coming earthly reign of the Saviour. The New Testament holds ever before the believer the “ blessed hope’’ of Christ’s return. Every Bible- believer today knows that Christ must return, not only in order to fulfill the prophecies, but because, if He does not return, man will blow himself off the earth. More and more power is being cen­ tralized in the hands of man who is not capable of handling it. If this power were in the hands of men who loved the Lord, and who were dedicated to peace and justice throughout the earth, the situation would not be serious. But the truth of the matter is that the power of the atom is in the hands of men who do not believe in God and who despise His Christ (Psalm 2). Comparatively speak­ ing true born-again Christians are few and far between in the agencies that | hold the world’s future in their hands, j Think of atheistic Russia; think of the godlessness in our own capital! But, thank God, the Lord Jesus is coming. Many of us think that He is coming soon. Let us study what the Bible has to say about His return. The Fact of His Coming We know that Jesus is coming back because the Old Testament prophets foretell His coming (Isa. 2:1-4; 9:6.7; Zech. 14:1-21 etc.). The study of the Old Testament convinces the reader who believes what God says that Christ is coming back to the earth to establish the Kingdom promised through the prophets (cf. also 2 Samuel 7). The Lord Jesus is coming back because i He Himself promised it. Read John 14: 1-3. He said that if His teaching were not true He would have told us. He never made a mistake; He never taught an j untruth. We may have utmost confidence in Him. And He said, “ I will come again.” Read Matthew 24. In this chap- j ter the Saviour describes His coming. It i is a thrilling chapter; read it and believe it.

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