King's Business - 1953-03

EYE EXAM INATIONS V e r y Low Charge»

Lesson: I would like to introduce you to the Can cousins. Here they are, Carrot Can, Beet Can, Corn Can and Soup Can. The two near the cross remind me of Christians. Those near the world are like the unsaved. Watch what happens to th$ cans near the world when sin comes along. Corn Can accepts it immediately. He then tries to get his brother, Soup Can, to sin. (Turn the can away from the inset and the water will run out.) Being worldly, Soup Can receives the sin.

ATTENT I ON C H R I S T I A N S We send out the Gospel of Jesus Christ cruci­ fied, and through His shed blood, we receive our salvation,. and the Hope of His coming again. We need help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin area. Our mailing adress is: Columbia Basin Mission B ox 168, Pasco, W ashington


Dr. H. C. Forsyth, Optometrist 610 S. Broadway— 327 Story Bldg. Satisfaction Assured TU. 8581

Do not fail to read the announcement of the new plans for The King's Business on Page 3.

a va ca t i on school plan tha t ’s COMPLETE to the last detail

The two sinful Cans decided they would visit their Christian cousins, and see whether they will sin with them. When Corn Can tries to give his cousin, Beet Can, some of his sin, Beet Can refuses. (Pour a little out of the top of the beet can and then back into the corn can.) Soup Can tries to do the same with his cousin, Carrot Can, and finds that the Christian refuses sin. Listen as Carrot Can talks to his cousin Soup Can. “ You are not happy. Look in this mirror and you will see that you are not headed for heaven. You need to go to the cross, and let Jesus take your sin away and change your life.” Soup Can decides that this is good advice. He comes to the cross and gets rid of his sin. (Tilt the can slowly to­ ward the inset, and set at the foot of the cross, right side up. The water appar­ ently disappears.) Soup Can now wants his brother, Corn Can, to have the same experience. Finally Corn Can is per­ suaded to come to the cross, and he, too, is free from sin. These cans remind me of Saul of Tar­ sus. He was a sinner, but when he met Christ on the Damascus road his whole life was changed.

C o n M f t r C h r i s t this summer with a well-planned

vacation Bible school To make running a DVBS easy, we offer you this thrilling, informative expedi­ tion guidebook, "CONQUEST” . . . It’s chock-full o fproven ideas andvaluable information that will be of tremendous help to DVBS teachers and directors. It’s new, it’s large in size (8 Vi" x 11'}, it’s complete. Everything for DVBS planning is included . . . complete 1953 ALL-BIBLE LESSON preview . . . hand­ work . . . themes . . . visual aids . . worship program . . . how to recruit teachers... closingprogram... andMORE. In every way this book will help you in the conquest o f souls for Christ through DVBS.

April 19, 1953 A T rue J ew

Objects: A piece of paper 6 feet long and 3 inches wide, a pair of scissors and a globe of the world. (Glue the ends of the paper together, making a circle,

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Pag. Forty-one

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