8A — April 15 - 28, 2016 — Appraisal — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
A ppraisal
The leader in real estate appraisal education About the Appraisal Institute
state and local laws. Individu- als of the Appraisal Institute benefit from an array of profes- sional education and advocacy programs, and may hold the prestigious MAI, SRPA, SRA, AI-GRS and AI-RRS designa- tions. Learn more at www. appraisalinstitute.org. OUR MISSION Our mission is to advance professionalism and ethics, global standards, methodolo- gies, and practices through the professional development of property economics worldwide. OUR PROFESSIONALS The majority of Appraisal Institute professionals are
and SRPA designations are experienced in commercial valuation, including indus- trial, retail and multifam- ily properties. Those holding the SRA designation are experienced in residential valuation. All Appraisal In- stitute professionals adhere to a strictly enforced Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. WHAT WE OFFER • The leader in real estate appraisal education The Appraisal Institute is the acknowledged worldwide leader in residential and com-
practicing real estate apprais- ers and property analysts who provide valuation-related services to such clients as mortgage lenders, financial institutions, government agencies, attorneys and fi- nancial planners as well as homeowners and other indi- vidual consumers. Appraisal Institute des- ignated members have met rigorous requirements relat- ing to education, testing, ex- perience and demonstration of knowledge, understanding and ability. Those individuals holding the Appraisal Institute’s MAI
mercial real estate appraisal education. Its extensive cur- riculum of courses and spe- cialty seminars provides a well-rounded education in valuation methodology for both the novice and seasoned practitioner. • Real estate appraisal literature As the world’s largest pub- lisher of real estate appraisal literature, the Appraisal In- stitute offers a wide range of books and other materials on subjects ranging from basic valuation theory and techniques to advanced ap- plications. It also publishes two quarterly periodicals, The Appraisal Journal and Valuation magazine. • AI Benefits Appraisal Institute pro- fessionals have access to a variety of benefits, including insurance programs, data re- sources and tools, and related business materials. The Ap- praisal Institute also houses the Lum Library, which pro- vides support for the research needs of AI professionals as well as the profession at large. • Advocacy The Appraisal Institute is active in advocacy efforts on behalf of its professionals and the industry at large. Primar- ily through its office in Wash- ington, DC, the organization communicates regularly with legislators and regulators to encourage the adoption of appraisal policies that best serve the public interest. n a section of the MARE Journal P.O. Box 26, Accord, MA 02018 781-871-5298 • 800-584-1062 fax 781-871-5299 www.marejournal.com Section Publishers Barbara Holyoke bholyoke@marejournal.com Steve Kelley skelley@marejournal.com Section Editor Julie King jking@marejournal.com Financial Digest
he Appraisal Insti- tute is a global pro- fessional association
of real estate appraisers, with nearly 22,000 professionals in almost 60 countries through- out the world. Its mission is to advance professionalism and ethics, global standards, methodologies, and practices through the professional de- velopment of property econom- ics worldwide. Organized in 1932, the Appraisal Institute advocates equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in the appraisal profession and con- ducts its activities in accor- dance with applicable federal,
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