
Real Estate Journal —Appraisal — April 15 - 28, 2016 — 13A


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Providing the highest quality education and professional resources About The Philadelphia Metropolitan Chapter of the Appraisal Institute

he mission of the Phil- adelphia Chapter of the Appraisal In- stitute is to be the leaders in the real estate appraisal and consulting profession by providing the highest qual- ity education, professional resources, as well as promot- ing professional credentials, enforcement of standards of practice and a code of ethics consistent with the public good. Our multifaceted website provides visitors with the fol- lowing: •List of all Chapter-spon- sored activities, such as meet- ings and events (including topics and schedules); edu- cational offerings, including seminars, courses, podcasts, and special events; employ- ment opportunities for job seekers and employers look- ing to hire; and resources commonly used by appraisers. •Brief explanation of the role of appraisals and ap- praisers and how to identify qualified appraisers to per- form real estate valuation and consultation services. •Access to our Facebook page and Twitter feed — ven- ues for discussing opportuni- ties, identifying challenges, and working on real problems faced by our chapter’s mem- bers, candidates, affiliates and the general public. •Guidance in understand- ing the long awaited revamp- ing of real estate assessments in Philadelphia, also know as the “Actual Value Initiative.” We encourage you to visit this website often. Regular updates will make it easy for interested individuals to stay connected and informed by at- tending meetings, educational offerings and special Chapter events. Coalition of Pennsylvania Real Estate Appraisers The Coalition of Pennsyl- vania Real Estate Appraisers (CPREA) was formed in late 2012 by the five Pennsylvania Chapters of the Appraisal Institute and other interested appraisal professionals to be the Voice of Responsible Real Estate Valuation in Pennsylvania. CPREA grew as a response to a push by the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors (PAR) to enact legislation that would permit salespersons and brokers to provide valuation services outside of the brokerage con- text. The chapters realized T

they did not have a system in place to provide a timely response to legislation which affects the industry and the public trust. As a result, our Chapter’s Board of Direc- tors unanimously decided to contribute financial re- sources and manpower to form CPREA to provide this conduit, and to have a voice in the Pennsylvania legisla- tive arena. The fight against SB 869, introduced in the Pennsylvania Senate in April, gains momentum every day. Browse the Coalition’s web- site at www.cprea.org to get more information.

If you’re not a designated member of AI, seriously con- sider becoming a Candidate for Designation: Candidates work with informed and en- couraging Advisors within a proactive, structured program that offers guidance and fi- nancial incentives to make progress toward designation. If you already have your Ap- praisal Institute designation, please consider becoming an Advisor to assist others in achieving this worthwhile professional goal. Newly Designated Members Special recognition must

be made to our members that were newly designated in 2015: Susan L. Field, MAI; John Hosey, MAI; Carlo L. Batts, MAI; James M. Farrer, MAI; Blair E. Bates, MAI; Al- len Roth, MAI; Adam Duffy, MAI; John M. Adams, IV, SRA; Joseph LoStracco, SRA; Joseph R. DeMarinis, MAI; Peter Lane, MAI; TimGold- en., Jr., MAI. Several of our members also received their AI-GRS desig- nations this year – Susanne Curran, MAI, AI-GRS, Scott Eiffes, MAI, AI-GRS, Douglas Haring, MAI, AI-GRS, Gerald McNamara, MAI, AI-GRS. n

Candidate for Designation Program As of January 2013, the Appraisal Institute continues its focus on the Candidate for Designation program and its strategic vision that will transition the organization from a professional associa- tion to a professional society over the next few years. The appraisal industry has be- come increasingly competitive in recent years, and join- ing the Appraisal Institute demonstrates that you are a well-credentialed and highly qualified professional who is serious about your career.

376 Broad Street Montoursville, PA 17754

P- (570)368-8186 F- (570)368-8293

We service Northeastern and Central PA Market areas RVL is a full service valuations firm with experience in general appraisal types as well as properties with non‐realty components, residential components, and GREEN factors. We complete all types of residential, commercial, industrial, and special purpose properties, as well as net leased properties, ground leases, and institutional properties. We have extensive experience with acreage tracts over 1,000 Acres as well as properties with gas, oil, or mineral interests. If there is a question, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Congratulations to Alex White, SRA for earning his SRA designation in March of 2016!!!

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