20A — April 15 - 28, 2016 — Appraisal — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
Southern New Jersey Chapter
Our 12 th year offering great seminars in Atlantic City … Join us again at the Jersey Shore! May 19, 2016 ♦ Golden Nugget ♦ Atlantic City Hot Topics in Appraising in 2016 8:30am–4:30pm (7 hrs) Getting Results When Others Can’t Presented by Richard Baehrle Atlantic City is in a great deal of distress, and is truly heading towards great changes. The financial impact will be severe. Get an up-to-date look at the state of affairs in AC and its’ surrounding area. Our speaker has been a commercial Realtor for the past 33 years. He has brokered retail, office professional, warehouse, land and many business opportunities. The LSRP & the Remediation Program of the NJDEP Presented by John Zingis, Jr., LSRP In 2009, the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) set forth sweeping changes to how sites are remediated or "cleaned up" in New Jersey. SRRA established the obligation for responsible parties to remediate contaminated sites in a timely manner and created a category of remediation professionals known as Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP). The LSRP essentially "steps into the shoes of the NJDEP", in most cases, and provides a mechanism to speed the pace of remediation. From the perspective of real estate development and land appraisals, the LSRP program provides a timely portal to obtain answers to the many complicated questions about cleaning up a property and returning it to functionality. Often short term and long term costs are defined and valuable to the real estate professionals and all parties involved with the real estate transaction. The final document promulgated by the LSRP is the "Response Action Outcome" or RAO. This takes the place of the former "No Further Action" letter previously published by the NJDEP. However, depending on the methods of remediation, there may be long term costs that are not so obvious to the appraiser, but may have significant financial impacts. This is where the LSRP can be of value to the process of understanding the "full picture" of site remediation. This presentation will provide an overview of the program, discuss how cases are typically managed and take you through the process of defining a property in need of remediation, with the ultimate goal of publishing the RAO and potential ramifications of continued compliance with NJDEP rules and regulations. Naturally we will discuss anticipated short and long term costs to establish an accurate value of a property. The State of the Industry Presented by Marc Isdaner, Evan Zweben and Jeff Algatt of Colliers International This seminar gives a practical look at the forces driving real estate performance in the local area. This includes how appraisers can identify & analyze them, and use creativity, insight, & market-supported reasoning to forecast impact on their profession. The speakers will focus on the Industrial Market (Mr. Isdaner), the Office Market (Mr. Zweben) and the Investment Markets (Mr. Algatt). Lender Requirements and Guidelines: What Appraisers Should Know Presented by Charles V. Beyer II MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, Michael Practico, JR., CCIM, and Thomas E. McQuillan What are the lender requirements and guidelines when appraising for regional and community anks? Hear it straight from the Vice President/Director of Appraisal & Environmental Services of Investors Bank (Mr. Beyer) and the Chief Appraisal Officer at Columbia Bank (Mr. Practico) and a Senior Appraiser/Environmental Analyst at Columbia Bank (Mr. McQuillan.) Discounted rooms available: $79/room/night. Call Golden Nugget’s reservations department by April 26 th at 1-800-777-8477, option 3. You must state you are with the Southern NJ Chapter of the Appraisal Institute (group code: APPI16) to receive the discounted room rate. Reserve your room by 5pm on 5/ 5 ! Continental breakfast, lunch & afternoon snack included! In its 12th year, Seminars at the Shore has offered quality, top-notch Continuing Education seminars to over 760 people from 13 different states. Registration online: www.myappraisalinstitute.org/education/southernNewJersey Email Lisa at lisamayweiss@hotmail.com or call 856-415-0281 for more information.
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